Define the sociological information

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Reference no: EM133324415


Part 1: Introduction

In a single paragraph, provide the reader with the key points you will be addressing in this assignment.

Part 2: Sociological Imagination

1. Briefly discuss and define the sociological information, which you learned about of this course.

2. Identify and explain at least two broader social condition(s) related to education, the workforce, and/or the economy that might affect your personal future plans for work and/or education. You might find a relevant social condition in your Learning Resources. Some examples of social conditions are automation in the workplace, polarization of the workforce, globalization, and the wage gap between men and women.

3. Then go to the "Future of Work" page or the "Education" page of the Pew Research Center and find an article related to one of the social conditions that you identified. What are three key research findings in the article do you find most relevant to this social condition, and why are they relevant?

Part 3: Sociological perspectives

Use one of the three main sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict theory, lr symbolic interactionism) to analyze one of the social conditions that you chose.

1. First, briefly explain the perspective.

2. Then answer the question: How might you use that perspective to explain/analyze the social condition? For example, if you choose the condition of a wage gap between men and women, how might a conflict theorist explain why this gap exists in society?

Part 4: Conclusion/Reflection

In a final paragraph, explain what you learned from this assignment. Based on what you have learned about sociology and social conditions, how might you modify your plans for future education and career? Please explain one key aspect of your plans for the future that you might change because of what you learned in your sociology course this term. If you wouldn't change anything, explain why.

Part 5: Reference List

Your Reference List should include all the resources that you have cited in your Assignment. At the very least, it should include the reference information for the Learning Resources, as well as the Pew Research article that you discussed.

Reference no: EM133324415

Questions Cloud

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