Define the sociological imagination

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133325844


Using your sociological imagination, take an everyday activity and connect it to larger social structures, historical forces, or patterns of behaviour. Make sure to define the sociological imagination and work other sociological theories into your analysis. (Based on you).

Essentially, what you're trying to do is to reflect on how something you experience is shaped by and connected to larger social forces and structures. Why do you do this thing in the way you do it and what social and historical forces exist beyond your notion of individual choice or inclination?

Why do you engage in this activity? How have history and society influenced why you do it the way you do? Have people always done this activity? Why or why not? How is the way you do it different from how it was done in the past? How has society changed the way this activity happens? Do people in other societies do it the same way? Why or why not? How is it different? What economic, political, religious, practical, and/or other structural forces influence this? What can all of this say about our institutions, structure, and society?

Reference no: EM133325844

Questions Cloud

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Define the sociological imagination : Using your sociological imagination, take an everyday activity and connect it to larger social structures, historical forces, or patterns of behaviour.
Explain an intersectional approach to social justice : Please help include explanation of what it means to take an intersectional approach to social justice, rather than a rights- based approach.
How is the idea of the normal body socially produced : How was/is the idea of the 'normal body' socially produced? What kinds of bodies are excluded from this construction of the 'normal'?
How might the modern conceptions of the good life : How might the modern conceptions of "the good life" and the "American Dream" be linked to crime rates and contribute to environmental problems?
Identify the population the policy serves : Explain how society's perception of vulnerable or marginalized populations relates to the development of this and other policies to address poverty.


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