Define the research objectives-questions-hypotheses

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Reference no: EM133541020

Case study

A beverages company is investigating attitudes & habits towards natural ingredients and how consumers perceive the various product claims in order to develop a new product development strategy. They need to identify the profile of consumers who are attracted from natural ingredients or bio products, what are the claims that the have the most appeal and what are the attitudes towards an energy drink based on natural ingredients In this context you are asked to suggest a relevant research (qualitative) appropriate for the above case.


1. Define the research objectives/questions/hypotheses

2. Suggest a specific type of research and justify your suggestion

3. According to the suggested research design, suggest the relevant sample. Justify your suggestion

4. For the suggested research, develop the relevant data collection instrument (moderators' guide/questionnaire etc.). The data collection form should be in a final format ready for fieldwork

5. Develop a Qualitative Research Proposal for the provided case.

Reference no: EM133541020

Questions Cloud

Factors creating the need for adaptation of marketing mix : Factors creating the need for adaptation of the marketing mix.
Political structure and governments policies : Recent history that has a bearing on the present situation. Political structure and government's policies.
Discuss the role of export credit agencies : Discuss the role of export credit agencies (ECAs) in facilitating international trade and how they support exporters and importers in managing risk
About your leadership skill and style : What have you discovered about your leadership skill and style as a defender personality trait and a Building Service supervisor at NYU Langone Hospital
Define the research objectives-questions-hypotheses : Define the research objectives/questions/hypotheses. Develop a Qualitative Research Proposal for the provided case.
Explain how you would plan to develop your dissertation : Kindly explain how you would plan to develop your dissertation title. Also, explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Digital marketing specialist who is working as freelancer : You are given role of Digital Marketing Specialist who is working as freelancer. Your main service is selling SEO solutions to small- to medium-sized companies
Stages of the product life cycle : Explain how this dead brand or product went through the four stages of the product life cycle. Explain how services differ from goods.
Implement digital marketing for them semester : Find any SME willing to allow you to implement digital marketing for them this semester. The business must deliver real goods/services to real customers.


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