Define the problem your proposed policy addresses

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Reference no: EM132170199

Question: Prepare a policy memo. The purpose of a policy memo is to advise a busy policy-maker/decision-maker on a specific issue. The memo should clearly (a) state a problem, and (b) recommend and justify a solution.

As a rule policy memos are 'lean' and easily 'digested.' Policymakers are often very busy; the issue you are working on is likely only one of many on which that individual must act. Once again, I urge you to work smart; choose a policy position related to the thesis of your final paper for class.

Your memo should:

• Define the problem/issue your proposed policy addresses.

• State your proposed solution.

• Succinctly explain the reasons you have for arriving at your conclusion. (This is a statement of the arguments you are recommending your solution.)

• Anticipate challenges in implementing the policy and propose workarounds for these obstacles

• Suggest concrete next action steps for the policymaker/decision-maker

Policy memos take as many forms d there are policy makers; there is no single "one-size-fits-all" form.One template suggestion appears below. You may modify it to make it fit your argument. If a specific component does not fit your topic, exclude it; if another component would make more sense, please include it. Tables, charts, and other visual aids are not required, but they may be included if you believe they will improve your memo.

Policy Memo Suggested Template


To: [Name and title of an official with authority over the policy you are discussing]

From: [Your name]

Date: [Date]

Subject: [Detailed subject heading conveying the key recommendation in your memo]

[Problem Statement and Overview of Recommendation]

In one paragraph, state the problem you are proposing to address as well as your proposed solution. Use statistical data when possible to give details on the scope of the problem. Briefly summarize your proposed solution.

[Reasons for Your Recommendation]

In a few paragraphs, justify your recommendation. The first sentence in each paragraph should provide a key reason for your coming to the conclusion that your solution is the preferred solution. The remainder of the paragraph supports the first sentence. If headings can help you convey your point more clearly, use bold headers for each key point in this section. Remember, the goal is to make it easy for the reader.

[Implementation Challenges and Next Action Steps]

Give insight on potential challenges in implementing your recommended policy. When possible provide suggestions on how to overcome the potential challenges. Offer concrete next steps the policymaker can take to move forward with your suggested plan.

Your policy memo should be 4 pages double-spaced, not including figures and works cited.

Reference no: EM132170199

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