Define the objectives or goals of the data analysis

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM132410646

Data Mining Assignment -

SCENARIO - You are an analyst for a telecommunications company that is concerned about the number of customers leaving their landline business for cable competitors. The company needs to know which customers are leaving and attempt to mitigate continued customer loss. You have been asked to analyze customer data to identify why customers are leaving and potential indicators to explain why those customers are leaving so the company can make an informed plan to mitigate further loss.


I: Tool Selection

Execute data extraction from the "Customer Data" web link using data mining software (Python, R, or SAS). Provide a screen shot of the code you have written and its successful application with a copy of all the extracted data.

A. Describe the benefits of using the tool you have chosen (Python, R, or SAS) for extracting data in this scenario.

B. Define the objectives or goals of the data analysis. Ensure that your objectives or goals are reasonable within the scope of the scenario and are represented in the available data.

C. Select a descriptive method and a nondescriptive method (i.e., predictive, classification, or probabilistic techniques) you will use to analyze the data, and explain how the methods you have selected are appropriate for the objectives or goals you have defined.

II: Data Exploration and Preparation

Clean the data you have extracted and save as .xls or .xlsx format for submission. Be sure to address all necessary formatting, converting, and missing data.

D. Describe the target variable in the data and indicate the specific type of data the target variable is using, including examples that support your claims.

E. Describe an independent predictor variable in the data and indicate the specific type of data being described. Use examples from the data set that support your claims.

F. Propose the goal in manipulation of the data and define your data preparation aims.

G. Define the statistical identity of the data, including the essential criteria and phenomenon to be predicted.

H. Explain the steps used to clean the data and how you addressed any anomalies or missing data.

III: Data Analysis

For each of the following steps, be sure to clearly indicate each step within your data sheet with a screen shot and annotations in your final submission. All algorithms used need to be clearly identified in the screen shot and submission.

I. Identify the distribution of variables using univariate statistics from your cleaned and prepared data. Represent your findings visually as part of your submission.

J. Identify the distribution of variables using bivariate statistics from your cleaned and prepared data. Represent your findings visually as part of your submission.

K. Apply an analytic method and an evaluative method. Annotate the data showing both methods and your findings.

L. Justify the methods you have chosen to analyze your data. Be sure to include details about how the methods you have chosen better represents your findings than other methods.

M. Justify the methods you have chosen to visually present your data. Be sure to include details about how the presentation methods you chose better represents your findings than other presentation methods.

IV: Data Summary

Summarize the findings of your data evaluation. Provide the final findings dataset, including evaluation measures.

N. Explain how your data shows that it was discriminating or not and whether the phenomenon you wanted to detect was present in your findings. Provide specific examples from the data to support your claims.

O. Describe the methods you used for detecting interactions and for selecting the most important predictor variables. Include the specific interactions you detected and the most important predictor variables that you found.

P. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Reference no: EM132410646

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12/1/2019 9:11:51 PM

This is a completed assignment but needs a small tweak to get the grade. The files attached are 1. Data mining Req - is the requirement document. 2. ACE3 - Data summary (solution Document Submitted). 3. Data Mining Algorithms(solution Document Submitted) 4. cleaned Dataset(solution Document Submitted). 5.Evaluation report for revision(need work based on this information). Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

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