Reference no: EM131042913
1. Define the Objective Theory of Contracts.
2. On May 1, Brand Name Industries, Inc. (BNI), sent Carol a letter, via overnight delivery, offering to employ her to audit BNI’s financial statements for the current year for $10,000. In the letter, BNI stated that Carol had ten days to accept. On May 5, Carol sent BNI a fax that stated, “The price for the audit seems too low. Would you consider paying $12,000?” BNI received the fax. The next day, Dan offered to conduct the audit for $8,000. On learning of Dan’s offer, Carol immediately e-mailed BNI, agreeing to do the work for $10,000. BNI received this e-mail on May 7. Explain why BNI and Carol do, or do not, have a contract.
3. Chris promises Dina $40,000 if she graduates from Eagle College. Dina enrolls in Eagle, attends full-time for four years, and graduates. When Dina asks Chris for $40,000, Chris says, “I don’t remember promising you $40,000. But if there was a promise, it’s not enforceable, because we didn’t bargain for it. And even if there was a promise that would otherwise be enforceable, I revoke it now.” Can Dina enforce Chris’s “promise”? Why or why not?
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Define the objective theory of contracts
: Define the Objective Theory of Contracts. Chris promises Dina $40,000 if she graduates from Eagle College. Dina enrolls in Eagle, attends full-time for four years, and graduates. When Dina asks Chris for $40,000, Chris says, “I don’t remember promisi..
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