Define the network topology that will be used

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131762128

Topic: Networking

Part 1 - Network Design

In this section, address each of the following.

Define the network topology that will be used and justify the decision.

Select the appropriate cables and connectors and justify the decision. Describe where wired connections will be used within or across the two new academic buildings and justify the decision. Students must use both wired and wireless technologies.

Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Select the appropriate networking and internetworking hardware for each building, and justify the decision.

Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Select the appropriate Wide Area Network (WAN) design and wireless configuration, and justify the decision. Students must use both wired and wireless technologies.

Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Consider that faculty, students, and guests can bring their own devices (BYOD) and use their computer in each of the buildings.

Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Select the appropriate computer systems hardware to use to support the faculty, students, and overall network design; and justify the decision(s).

Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Students will find the majority of information working through the TestOut LabSim labs. Students should seek additional information to include in each submission as described in the overview by searching scholarly journals and other credible sources as appropriate. Reputable technical websites can be considered a credible source, but make sure to include at least two scholarly sources for each part of the Network Design Proposal.

Part 2 - Network Addressing and Security

In this section, address each of the following.

IP Addressing:

Watch How to Subnet a Network Video provided in Content -> Project Instructions

Review the Network Address Template provided in Content -> Project Instructions -> Project Templates for Parts 1 - 3

Complete the subnet chart provided at the end of the document.


Select each of the firewall types to implement, describe network or host-based placement, and configuration details; and justify each of the decisions.

Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Select an IDS, IPS, or both for the network and justify your decision.

Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Define a DMZ implementation and justify the decision.

Select physical security measures for each of the new academic buildings and justify the decision.

Students should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

Select additional network security measures to be implemented and justify the decision. They should include:

How you will protect against social engineering attacks, and justify your decision.

How you will protect against faculty or students willingly, or unwillingly introducing malware onto the network, and justify your decision.

What secure protocols you will require for faculty and students to use while accessing resources internal, or external to the network, and justify your decision.

Make explicit that UMUC will not be liable for any problems arising from personal use of devices in the two buildings.

Part 3 - Network Customization and Optimization

In this section, address each of the following.

Identify network services needed.

List additional servers or network devices needed to implement the network.

List network security measures to be implemented.

Justify the need for the network services, security measures, and devices you've selected.

Identify network storage and cloud based services that will be available for faculty and students

Students should be specific when discussing the configuration and implementation.

Identify the proper data protection and backup method and implementation, and justify your decision.

Students should consider the needs of the administration, faculty, and students.

Identify a network monitoring solution and describe how this will enable the optimization of the network, and justify your decision.

Students should be specific when describing protocol analyzers, network monitoring tools, and packet sniffers

Identify how logs will be stored, managed, and how long the university will keep them, and justify your answer

Students should consider this in the context of the network or cloud based storage selected.

Describe the troubleshooting methodology Information Technology (IT) personnel will use when troubleshooting issues across the proposed network implementation.

Building dimensions: length: 240 feet, width: 95 feet, height: 30 feet

The building will house six computer labs that will be used for instruction. In the building diagrams above, the labs are labeled Classroom #1, Classroom #2, and Classroom #4 on the first floor and Classroom #1, Classroom #2, and Classroom #5 on the second floor; each computer lab will have a closet. Each lab will have 26 devices: 23 student computers, one instructor computer, and one server in the closet for instructional use. Students should consider high traffic areas for WiFi, such as the sitting areas and not the classrooms.

In addition, there will be a student computer lab that will provide computer access to students to do their homework. There will be 25 computers in this lab and a server in the closet. To allow students access to library resources, the library will also have 10 computers for the general public to use and five computers for library staff.

Finally, there are offices in the building. Each of these offices will have one computer for staff use, with the exception of the admissions office, which will have five computers. There will be two server rooms, one on the first floor and one on the second floor.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131762128

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12/12/2017 5:37:12 AM

EACH PART IN ITS DOCUMENT USE IEEE CITATIONS. Please ensure that each part has its own document and uses IEEE citation. Use the photos of the building. Students will find the majority of information working through the TestOut LabSim labs. Students should seek additional information to include in each submission as described in the overview by searching scholarly journals and other credible sources as appropriate. Reputable technical websites can be considered a credible source, but make sure to include at least two scholarly sources for each part of the Network Design Proposal.

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