Define the mission statement for your business

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131299205

Data Communications and Networks

Please complete the following project:

Secure Data Center Design - Design a data center network with security being the most important concern.

1. Develop a business name.
2. Define the mission statement for your business.
3. Develop a technology architecture plan.
4. The datacenter has five servers.
5. Each server hosts different services: HTTPS, DNS, Secure File Sharing, Email, and Collaboration Software.
6. Each server has a unique public IP address.
7. There are 2 network administrators on the network who manage and troubleshoot any issues on the server.
8. The datacenter servers and admins should be on different networks.
9. The servers should be accessible from the internet using public IP address.
10. The servers should also have private IP address where the admins access.
11. Only the required services should be available on the servers for external access. All other services should be blocked.
12. The private IP address of the servers should not be accessible from the outside network.
13. All communication to the outside network from the server network should be through the respective public IP address.
14. External users should be unable to access the LAN internally.
15. You should include:

a. a Network Design strategy
b. TCP/IP Design
c. Topology Diagram
d. Explanation for your Topology diagram
e. Pseudocode for developing ACL rules to deny access to private IP address of servers and the LAN internally.

16. Develop a spreadsheet that specifies the capital expenditures involved in this implementation.
17. Make sure you provide a summary in addition to your supporting architecture documentation.

a. Describe in three paragraphs or less how the technology works.
a. Take into consideration the business and mission statement you've developed
b. Why did you choose to design the network in this fashion?

i. What is most intriguing to you about this technology?
ii. What are the pitfalls with this technology?

Reference no: EM131299205

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Define the mission statement for your business : Define the mission statement for your business. Develop a technology architecture plan. The datacenter has five servers. Each server hosts different services: HTTPS, DNS, Secure File Sharing, Email, and Collaboration Software.
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