Reference no: EM132643837
Assignment: Using the information gained from a minimum 3 scholarly sources, prepare a detailed report on current issues in Criminal Justice Leadership; include three leadership theories and how they apply to criminal justice and historical examples of effective criminal justice leaders, and how they dealt with similar issues.
Grading will be based on the degree to which students meet the following criteria:
1. Cover page with student's name, course title and number, and date submitted.
2. Body of paper:
• Introduction that provides the purpose of the paper.
• Discussion of the current issues selected.
• Presentation of examples of effective criminal justice leaders.
3. Reference List
All papers will adhere to APA guidelines. This one is a minimum of five (5) computer-generated, double-spaced 12 point font pages. Margins are to be 1 inch (top, bottom, right, and left).