Reference no: EM132633293
ENER2001 Introduction to Railway Engineering
Task - Wagon modelling
1. Use the bogie model created in Task 3 to build two bogies into your wagon model.
2. Create a car body taking all required geometrical, mass and inertia characteristics from Task 1.
3. Use spring damper parallel elements (four elements per bogie) in your model to create the secondary suspension between the wagon and the bogies. Choose the characteristics of the following elements for your model:
- longitudinal, lateral and vertical stiffness, N/m;
- longitudinal, lateral and vertical damping, Ns/m.
Confirm the characteristics selected with your lecturer.
4. The centre pin connection between the car body and each bogie should be modelled with spring damper parallel elements. Choose the characteristics of the following elements for your model:
- longitudinal, lateral and vertical stiffness, N/m;
- yaw stiffness, N/rad;
- longitudinal, lateral and vertical damping, Ns/m.
Confirm the characteristics selected with your lecturer.
5. Define the initial velocity of the model to be equal 10 m/s and perform time integration (10 seconds only) on tangent track with measurements.
6. Make a video of the running vehicle.
7. Check vertical force element output values (one for each wheel) and the wagon speed in the post-processing.
8. Please add your personal reflections for this task. You are asked to identify critical learning events that have happened during the work on the task and to cover the following self-evaluation questions:
- What actually happened?
- Have you experienced any impact on you personally during the work on this task?
- What did you learn from this task?
- Have you identified areas to develop further?
9. Submit your Brief Report 4 that includes the description of work performed, a multibody model, a video file and graphs with the force element values and the wagon speed in the time domain.