Define the future growth possibilities

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131484958

Question: a. Explain why a country that is currently a primary commodity exporter and that has a relatively large land area and abundant natural resources might be more likely to remain a primary product exporter compared to another country, which is also now a primary product exporter, but which lacks abundant land and other natural resources.

b. Do abundant resources necessarily act as a brake on the evolution of the economic structure (this is the resource curse issue)?

c. Under what conditions might natural resources and abundant land be a blessing for future growth possibilities? Might there be a difference in terms of the "resource curse" effect between countries which have abundant but equitably owned natural resources and those with abundant but unequally owned resources where control is concentrated in a small elite?

Reference no: EM131484958

Questions Cloud

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How you picked your comparable transactions : These are the questions you will need to answer for the written portion of the assignment: How you picked your comparable transactions


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