Define the free-form surface using a grid of points

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133114235


1) Define the free-form surface using a grid of points. The minimum grid size should be 4 x 4.

2) Develop a Bezier surface from the grid of points.(The code for that is attached)

3) Generate a raster or zig-zag tool path to machine the surface.

4) The incremental step between one pass to the other pass has to be calculated based on the

5) the desired surface finish. Consider the scallop height as the surface finish.
Step forward in a pass has to be calculated based on the chordal error so that the desired accuracy can be achieved.

6) Finally, the CNC part program for the generated tool path has to be printed in a text file. There should be an option to change the control points.

Tools required to machine the surface have to be clearly mentioned in the report.

Imp: Points can be hardcoded for the 4*4 matrix which is 16 points. Please consider the following python code.
import numpy as np import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys

Instructions for the next part:

1) first we have to fix the distance between the tool path points we are going to generate.

2) First fix the length to say, l= 0.1. Then take one bezier curve out of the bezier surface by making u constant.

3) L should have some range say from 0.098 to 0.102.

4) now increase the 'v' value. If for a particular 'v' value the distance between the points is in this range, we can take that point. Now fix that point and find the next point in the same way.

5) Another way is randomly selecting 'v' from 0 to 1. If the coordinates for that particular 'v' is far more than required, reduce 'v' . If the distance is less than the fixed distance, increase 'v'. This loop will continue till we get to the point within the distance range. Now we have to update the interval from (0, 1) to (v, 1) and do the same thing

Attachment:- Bezier surface.rar

Reference no: EM133114235

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