Define the ethernet interface

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131513845

Question: Using the netstat Program Time Required: 10 minutes Objective: Use the netstat program to view network interface and IP protocol status and statistics. Required Tools and Equipment: Net-XX Description: In this project, you use netstat to view statistics about your network interface and the IP protocol. Then you generate traffic with ping and tracert to see the statistics of different packet types change.

1. If necessary, log on to your computer as NetAdmin, and open a command prompt window.

2. To display statistics about your Ethernet interface, type netstat -e and press Enter. These statistics include the number of bytes and packets received and sent through the Ethernet interface. If any errors are indicated in the display, you might have problems with your network connection that are slowing the network down. If the error packets approach 1% of the total number of packets, something is probably wrong with your NIC or physical interface.

3. To see statistics for all protocols, type netstat -s and press Enter. To limit the display to just IP statistics, type netstat-ps IP and press Enter.

4. To see your network statistics updated every 5 seconds, type netstat -ps IP 5 and press Enter. Press CtrlþC to stop the program.

5. To display ICMP information, type net stat -ps ICMP and press Enter. A variety of ICMP message types are displayed along with how many of each type of message were received and sent. Most, if not all, will be Echo and Echo Reply messages.

6. Type ping and press Enter. This command should generate ICMP Destination Unreachable messages. To see whether the number of these messages has increased, type netstat -ps ICMP and press Enter.

7. The ICMP TTL-Expired messages used in tracert are called Time Exceeded messages in netstat. Type tracert and press Enter. To see whether the number of these messages has increased, type netstat -ps ICMP and press Enter.

8. To display your computer's routing table, type netstat -r and press Enter. Every computer has a routing table it uses to decide which interface to send packets to. The first entry lists the network destination as, which is the entry for your default gateway.

9. Close all windows, but stay logged on if you're continuing to the next project.

Reference no: EM131513845

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