Reference no: EM131368453
A power point Templet is attached to follow as the requirements and what needs to be inculded about the topic.
Each slide should have notes with it.
Define the disease.
Describe all relevant symptoms.
List all known causes of the disorder; include any environmental factors that may be involved; list and medications and/or genetics that may cause the disease.
Identify any known risk factors; include any age groups, race, genders that are affected more than others.
Describe any known prevention methods.
List treatments used for the disease; include FDA approved and alternative medicinal therapies.
Describe any relevant research that discusses new treatment options and/or cures for the disease noted within the past 2 years. must be cited and a date within last 2 years
The PowerPoint presentation should contain approximately 10-15 slides in length - the equivalent to a 10-minute presentation.
Slides should be brief and bulleted.
Be sure to include the following: a title slide, introductory slide, in-text citations where applicable, conclusion slide and a reference slide.
Use images (with citations) as appropriate to create an effective and professional presentation.
Use APA style for all citations.
Avoid plagiarism. Do not cut and paste directly from the source in the slides.
Make certain that your presentation is free of grammar and spelling errors.You must use the notes section found below each slide. This should contain information that you would say if you were giving the presentation.
Assignment: Using PowerPoint, create a presentation. You are presenting this information to a professional audience that is looking to learn more about the disease. Your presentation should be creative, provide clarity, and demonstrate a professional appearance (10-minute presentation of approximately 15 slides).
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Define the disease and describe all relevant symptoms
: Describe all relevant symptoms.List all known causes of the disorder; include any environmental factors that may be involved; list and medications and/or genetics that may cause the disease.Identify any known risk factors; include any age groups, ..
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