Define the customer value proposition

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697717

Scenario: You have just graduated from University with your Bachelor's Degree. You have decided either to seek a promotion at carnival cruise line, explore new career opportunities, andusing your marketing knowledge to position yourself for career growth.

Develop a 1,200-word response to the following using the scenario above:

• Provide a definition of marketing from the American Marketing Association. Define the customer value proposition.

Discuss the differences between the marketing process and advertising, the goals of creating a strong customer value proposition, and the unique relationship that exists between company and customer.

• Use your carnival cruise line, as the company you would like to work for , and apply the concepts of the customer value proposition and relationship marketing to their operations. Introduce who the company, or business idea is and what they do.

Provide examples demonstrating how the company uses these concepts successfully. Are there any ways they can improve in these areas? How?

• Determine how your own personal brand links to the organization's customer value proposition. Discuss ways you can integrate a customer value proposition and use relationship marketing to position yourself the best.

Please share examples to illustrate your thoughts and reasoning. Cite a minimum of two sources ,

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131697717

Questions Cloud

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How much did carsen invest in the project : Payback Period Each of the following scenarios is independent. Assume that all cash flows are after-tax cash flows.
Define the customer value proposition : Discuss the differences between the marketing process and advertising, the goals of creating a strong customer value proposition
What is one of the first steps in the marketing process : What is one of the first steps in the marketing process? How is that step is present in your work life to support your thoughts?
Compute the npv for southward manufacturing : Compute the NPV for Southward Manufacturing, assuming a discount rate of 12 percent. Should the company buy the new welding system?
Describe your local city or county entity : Describe your local city or county entity. This does not need to be extensive as you will likely be using the same entity as in the assignments.
Multiple point standard addition method : A 3.12g stick of chewing gum is ashed at high temperature, dissolved in 5 mL of concentrated nitric acid and then diluted to the mark in a 100mL volumetric.


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