Define the Corporate Culture of an organization

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM132424990 , Length: word count:-150

Entrepreneurship & Innovation "Sales Channels and Management Practices"

  • Each discussion must be a minimum of 125 words of substantive content with a minimum of two references cited in APA format.
  • No copying and pasting of work previously done for someone else.

Question 1 : Compare and contrast the main advantages and disadvantages of Traditional Brick and Mortar business models as compared to e-commerce business models. Next, describe which business model you would most likely select for your next venture. Provide support for your response.

Question 2: Discuss the key components that help define the corporate culture of an organization. Next, describe the key attributes you would introduce into your business model to create an effective corporate culture. Justify your response.

Reference no: EM132424990

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