Define the convention in your opening paragraph

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Reference no: EM131889231 , Length: 4

Argument Essay Assignment

Choose a topic and gothic convention from one of the books, short stories, or films we have read this semester. This should be a text/film you have not written on for a major essay.

Define the convention (sound, the supernatural, moral darkness, the uncanny unreliable narrator, foreshadowing, etc.) in your opening paragraph.

Offer an argument about how the convention works in the text. Does it illuminate the text's underlying history? Does it act as a catalyst for the love plot? Does it say something about the style of writing? Does it elucidate a political context?

Offer an interpretation about the text based on that convention. This means saying what your chosen gothic convention does to forward the text's message.

Drafting: Each of the following steps must be completed to receive full credit for the paper:

Thesis Development Paper:

  • Offers a tentative title for your paper.
  • Proposes a tentative argument for your paper. This statement should make an arguable claim and use specific language. Review the thesis statement guide.
  • Lists at least 5 pieces of evidence through which you will support this argument. (Include specific quotations and passages with their page numbers.)

Writing Preparation Exercise: Introduction and First Paragraph

  • Write your introduction, including a thesis statement revised from your thesis paper.
  • Choose one piece of evidence, a central idea, or a topic that you plan to cover in your essay (this can come from your thesis development paper).
  • Write one clear, cohesive paragraph based on this topic.
  • Provide your reader with a topic sentence that makes a claim.
  • Include evidence from the text and offer analysis.

Rough Draft:

  • Revises your original argument based on the feedback I give you and your own writing process.
  • Analyzes the evidence you offered in your thesis development paper.
  • Includes a well-formed introduction, cohesive body paragraphs, transitions, and a conclusion.
  • Includes attending and actively participating in the in-class Peer Review Workshop.

Final Draft:

  • Takes into account the revisions from the Peer Review Workshop.
  • Please paperclip the following parts for submission: your thesis development paper, rough draft, peer review sheet, peer review draft, and final polished draft. (REMINDER: You must attend the writing center at least once this semester.)

Final Draft

Thesis: Provides an argumentative, specific thesis statement that narrows the scope of your paper, offers a road map for the rest of the paper, and a "so what."

Evidence: Provides evidence from the text and analyzes this evidence. The paper should offer your unique analysis and include quotes, passages, and examples from the text. Your evidence should support your claims

Organization: Offers a coherent, organized discussion.

  • Well-shaped Introduction: Narrows the scope of your paper and offer a thesis statement.
  • Paragraph Cohesion: Offers well-formed paragraphs with strong topic sentences. Each paragraph should relate clearly back to your thesis and support your argument.
  • Paper Fluidity: Includes strong transitions between paragraphs and ideas. Each paragraph should lead clearly to the next and should move the discussion forward.
  • Well-shaped conclusion: Offers an end note to your discussion without repeating previous claims.

Attachment:- Article.rar

Reference no: EM131889231

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3/6/2018 4:28:45 AM

Total 4 pages. Instruction: Here is an assignment (Argument Essay), I upload the instructions and the article. And please do this essay like (Title, Introduction include thesis, 3 body paragraphs , one Argument paragraph, and conclusion). And lists at least 5 pieces of evidence through which you will support this argument. (Include specific quotations and passages with their page numbers.). Please use the basic English.


3/6/2018 4:28:39 AM

4-5 pages, at minimum the last line of page 4. Paper Mechanics: Written with sophistication, the use of active voice, a minimum of grammatical errors, and sentence fluidity. Proper Style Formatting: All written work should be double-spaced and formatted through MLA style with one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, and a bibliography. Please staple your pages and include page numbers. This should also meet the minimum page requirement, meaning at least the bottom of the fourth page.

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