Reference no: EM131887747
Chapter 15: Frontier Encounters
1. Explain the expansion to and settling of the trans-Mississippi West. Describe the backgrounds and motives of male and female settlers of various ethnic and racial backgrounds, the economics of the frontier, ideologies about expansion, and the incentives that the federal government provided to encourage settlement.
Chapter 16: American Industry in the Age of Organization
2. Identify and assess the various theories and criticisms of wealth and laissez-faire, including Carnegie's essay "The Gospel of Wealth," the rags-to-riches tales, Social Darwinism, the expansion of charitable organizations, philanthropy, and theories of government's role in aiding the poor.
3. Explain the effects of industrialization on both skilled and unskilled workers. Describe the impact of mechanization on the daily work, leisure time, and economic well-being of workers.
Chapter 18: Cities, Immigrants and the Nation
4. Explain the origins, patterns, and circumstances that fueled the wave of immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Describe what immigrants expected to find upon their arrival and what they actually found.
Chapter 19: Progressivism and the Search for Order
5. Define the concepts of social justice and social control, and explain how both trends functioned in the Progressive Era. Identify the core issues within these trends, including the settlement house movement, women's suffrage, support for immigrants and labor, prohibition, segregation and desegregation, education reform, and anti-vice activism.
Chapter 20: Empires and Wars
6. Assess the influence of turn-of-the-century diplomacy on American culture. Evaluate the roles that gender, race, economics, and the press played in facilitating the conflicts that arose, and explain how all of those things changed as a result.
Chapter 21: An Anxious Affluence
8. Describe the competing cultural trends in the 1920s, including nativism, modernism, fundamentalism, black-nationalism, and racism. Identify the reasons for the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan, the origins of the black cultural renaissance, and the religious and social debates that led to the Scopes trial in Tennessee.
Chapter 22: Depression, Dissent, and the New Deal
9. Identify and describe the range of new agencies that were part of the New Deal. Assess their benefits and drawbacks, and explain their effects on the groups they hoped to help.