Define the concept social problem

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133476315


Please answer each question with at least two hundred words. For each question, please include American Psychological Association style citations and references.

  1. Define the concept "social problem" and explain how societies come to define some issues and not others as social problems. Explain how a social problem is socially constructed.
  2. Define the term "sociological imagination" and explain how it helps us recognize that our personal troubles are rooted in the operation of society.
  3. Compare and contrast two of the following types of social movements: alternative, redemptive, reformative, and revolutionary social movements.
  4. Several theories are used to explain the birth and growth of social movements. Compare and contrast two of the following social movements theories: deprivation (or relative deprivation) theory; resource mobilization theory; political process theory; structural strain theory; and new social movement theories.
  5. Poverty in urban areas tends to perpetuate social deviance. GCU conducts community outreach to local areas that are struggling with poverty. After reading the Statement on Integrating Faith and Work document, how might the CWV influence the way to address this social problem?
  6. Investigate and create a list of both informal and formal deviance (things that were/are against the law as well as those against social norms). Identify at a solution/technique/action that was used both historically and used in modern times, to control/react to the deviant behavior you listed. Discuss what the differences are and if the modern solutions are more effective than historical solutions and why modern solutions replaced historical ones.
  7. Explain the concepts of social stratification and social class. Detail the role stratification plays in people having advantages and disadvantages in society.
  8. Explain the difference between race and ethnicity and describe how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
  9. Describe the stages of the socially constructed life course and explain how societies define aging and the experience of old age.
  10. What is the essential insight about families and family life gained from the structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, social-conflict, and feminist theoretical approaches? What is one criticism or limitation of each theoretical approach?
  11. Define and discuss democratic, authoritarian, and monarchical political systems. Detail a shortcoming of each political system.
  12. What do you think is the most pressing social problem facing America throughout the term of the last five presidents and today? What do you feel is the role of the government in the process of dealing with the social problems of their time on the micro and macro levels? What do you think has shaped your views?
  13. Discuss the effects of fertility and mortality on global population. Should the United States be concerned regarding population growth? Support your position with resources.
  14. Migration and immigration is an age-old process of people moving across borders. Some argue it is detrimental to a country's stability and others say that it brings benefits. Historically, what were some effective solutions to this social phenomenon? Develop a list of pros and cons to U.S. as well as global migration. Describe the impt on individuals, countries, and the larger world context. What are some effective modern day solutions that are being proposed?

Reference no: EM133476315

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