Define the concept of a schema

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132095273

Please explain for Oracle please.

You have been tasked to analyze and assess the security posture of your organization's database. Throughout this course, the assignments will have you review and analyze the policies and processes procedures that are implemented to ensure the security of one of an organization's most important assets: Data.

You will learn and understand how data is stored in a database and what are some of the security concerns when dealing with a database. To begin, you must identify the Database Management System (DBMS) that your organization uses or intends to use, you can choose or work with any database but this will be the database you will work with throughout this course.

For this first Discussion Board you are to perform the following tasks:

Pick/list and describe the DBMS selected. You should pick a database you are already familiar with, as you will perform actions and run SQL against the Data Dictionary.

Note: Access is not an acceptable choice.

Describe the security features offered by the DBMS and vendor.

Define the concept of a schema, and specify how your specific DBMS implemented the schema.

Reference no: EM132095273

Questions Cloud

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Define the concept of a schema : Define the concept of a schema, and specify how your specific DBMS implemented the schema.
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