Reference no: EM131365600
Read Chapter 3 of your textbook, "A Brief Overview of the English Language." You will learn about the basic components of language, which will help you become a better teacher of ELLs. As Honigsfeld and Cohan (2015) state, "To be an effective teacher of English language learners, it is critical to develop a foundational understanding of how standard American English works so that linguistic challenges ELLs face can be addressed more effectively" (Sec. 3.1). For more support, read Fillmore and Snow's (2000) article, "What Teachers Need to Know About Language."
Your instructor will divide the class into five groups and post the assigned groups in Announcements. For this discussion, you will focus on a specific component of language based on the group you are assigned to (see below).
• Group 2: Morphology
For this discussion, complete the following:
• Define the component in your own words.
• Provide a real-world example of the component to show how it might be exhibited in everyday life.
• Identify a challenge an ELL may face in the classroom specific to your assigned language component. Then conduct an internet search to offer at least one strategy or activity to help the ELL overcome this challenge. For example, if you choose a challenge related to semantics, you may want to do a google search on "Learning Activities to Teach Semantics for ELLs." Provide a link for the learning activity/strategy you found, describe the activity and be sure to explain how the strategy will support the ELL student.
Ethanol made from corn or cellulosic ethanol
: Here is my question: Why will we never be able to replace the gasoline we currently use to power our vehicles in the U.S. by either ethanol made from corn or cellulosic ethanol?
Same temperature and pressure
: How many liters of methane gas (CH4) need to be combusted to produce 8.5 liters of water vapor, if all measurements are taken at the same temperature and pressure? Show all of the work used to solve this problem.
How do people view heroin and opioid abuse
: Write a peer review research paper completed with 25 peer review articles along with a work cited page. My reseach question is "how do people view heroin and opioid abuse". Are you able to help?
Solution with a colligative molality
: How many grams of MgSO4 (mM= 120 g/mol) must be added to 147 grams of water to make a solution with a colligative molality of 0.250 m?
Define the component in your own words
: Define the component in your own words. Provide a real-world example of the component to show how it might be exhibited in everyday life.
Engineer tells you a polymerization would work best
: Your Engineer tells you a polymerization would work best at 5.95 m acrylic acid in water. You've got to instruct your technicians to set up the experiment. What is the wt % of acrylic acid in a 5.95 m solution? (Mm acrylic acid = 72.06 g)
Calculate depreciation using two different methods
: Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you differentiate between valuation, depreciation, amortization, and depletion. Is it appropriate to calculate depreciation using two different methods? Why?
What kind of elements present in the compounds
: In what ways are ionic compounds different than molecular compounds
Select an adolescent- young adult client on whom to perform
: Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.