Define the cloud computing and social networking tools

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13861863

Educational technology has an important role in any instructional design experience. The variety of tools continues to grow, and new educational uses are being rapidly identified. Therefore, it is important to stay current with educational technology trends and make your selections based on sound design principles. For this Individual Project, compare and contrast each of the categories of tools listed below. Define them in your own words, and describe how they might be used to enhance a quality instructional design or help facilitate a quality educational experience. Hint:Remember to consider the impact these tools have on administrative, instructional designer, learner, stakeholder, and teacher and faculty needs. Provide at least 1 example for each type of tool to support your analysis.

Peripheral Equipment and Resources

Cloud computing

Social networking tools

Web 2.0 tools

Classroom instructional media

Cell phones, tablets, and other highly-portable technology tools

Electronic whiteboards

Massive open online courses (MOOCs)

Reference no: EM13861863

Questions Cloud

Populate a pricing table that includes basic training : Design and populate a Pricing table that includes basic training rate information. Designate the "Technical" field type as "Yes/No"and prepare a query that lists the participants who are only confirmed.
Calculate number of shares outstanding after stock dividends : Calculate the number of shares outstanding after the stock dividends are issued. What is the maximum amount that the corporation could use for cash dividends on that date?
Improvement teams blame human errors for harm to patients : Most quality improvement teams blame human errors for harm to patients. Is this true? Why or why not - Review the following scenario and justify your discussion about it.
Calculate the electric field intensity at a distance : Calculate the electric field intensity at a distance 'd' along the z-axis in terms of a,b,c, and d. Explain your reasoning. This result should be analytic.
Define the cloud computing and social networking tools : Cloud computing Social networking tools
Examine the us immigration laws acts bills and codes : The topic: Examine the U.S. immigration laws/acts/bills/codes that have concerned Asian immigrants and Asian Americans up to 1965 (including the 1965 Reform Act). Do you recognize some consistent/repeated themes running through them
How will trend affect intergovernmental relations : How will this trend affect intergovernmental relations and explain the importance and use of contracting for services and goods.
Development of a new information system : Willowbrook School is a small private school that has retained your services as a systems analyst to assist in the development of a new information system for the school's administrative needs.
Specific characteristics and principles of behaviorism : Discuss the ways in which intellipath illustrates specific characteristics and principles of behaviorism.


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