Define symbols and assign genotypes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1388432

Question: Tanzanian mudguppies have either green or purple skin. You are interested in the inheritance of skin color in the mudguppie. Therefore you mate a pure bred green mudguppie with a pure bred purple mudguppie. All the F1 progeny are purple. You then inbreed the individuals in the F1 generation to obtain an F2 generation. The F2 progeny appear with the following phenotypes:
page1image4672 page1image4832 page1image4992 page1image5152
P F1 F2
green X purple purple
15000 purple 1000 green

1. Based on this data, how many genetic loci control skin color in the mudguppie? EXPLAIN your reasoning!
2. Define symbols and assign genotypes to the original purple and green parents (P generation) in this cross.


Reference no: EM1388432

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