Reference no: EM131633661
There are 1-10 Questions
American Government and Politics Today - Brief Edition
Chapter 4 - Civil Liberties
Chapter 5 - Civil Rights
Chapter 6 - Public Opinion, Political Socialization, and The Media
Directions - Write your response to each of the question below - Cut and paste into a word document answer the questions and paste into Etudes. Watch your spelling and grammar. Make sure you cite your work if you use outside sources. Do not start a new thread
1 Define the following words from the text book
Symbolic Speech
Incorporation Theory
Exclusionary Rule
Civil Rights
Separate-but - Equal Doctrine
Affirmative Action
De Jure Segregation
Peer Group
Political Socialization
Generational Effect
Sound Bite
Opinion Poll
Chapter 4
2 The Bill of Rights is found where in the United States Constitution? It consists of how many amendments? Your task is to list the Amendments and briefly [title format] outline what each amendment does
3 Which Amendment do you think is the most important? Briefly write why
4 14th Amendment
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any State deprive any persons of life, liberty or property; without due process of law; not deny to any person with its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"
List the three the guarantees or protection it provides. [Hint D - E - C]
5 Define Symbolic Speech from the book and list two expressions you are able to do. Under the umbrella of Symbolic Speech, can you give a law enforcement officer the middle finger? Why or why not?
Chapter 5
6 Ending Servitude included the passage of the "Civil Rights Amendments" which include the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments of the United States Constitution. List the Amendments and write their definitions.
7 The passage of the 13th Amendment guaranteed what [see above]? Even so this became the law of the land and passed and placed into the United States Constitution, did all sectors of America agree and changed their hearts and minds?
The change of one's core values are very difficult to change and many times it takes generation to do so. List 5 methods that the 13th Amendment was denied. One not listed in the book is intimidation at the poll. Would you exercise your right to vote when there are a bunch of men wearing white sheets and burning crosses?
8 Read the Civil Right cases in Chapter 5 and power point files. How did the court rule?
The number represented in the [ ] denotes the outcomes of the case.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford [1]
Plessey vs. Ferguson [2]
Alan Bakke vs. Reagents of University of California [2]
Hernandez vs. Texas [2]
Mendez vs. Westminster School District [5]
Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka [2]
Chapter 6
9 Define according to the book Political Socialization. From the book, list the two places people acquire political beliefs and attitudes. But there is a third factor where you and your peers acquire political beliefs and attitudes.
10 List the Demographic Influences of Public Opinion, Political Socialization, and the Media. List the function of the mass media in the United States