Reference no: EM132253375
Question: Use the reading material from the Required Reading and create a PowerPoint presentation including:(Emergency and crisis management: Critical incident stress management for first responders and business organisations BY Daniel H. Guenthner)
• Title page (1 slide)
• Content (10 slides minimum)
• Summary (1 slide)
• Reference (1 page) (APA style)
The content of the slides will present the main ideas in bullet format and the discussion will be placed in the Notes Section.You are the lead for the Community Planning Team. The team is conducting the annual review of the Emergency Preparedness Plan for your community.
Currently, the plan does not include an annex for a Stress Management Program. You are creating this PowerPoint presentation to deliver to the team that details a proposed Stress Management Program for first responders, non-governmental organizations, and residents. The presentation will include the following:
1. Define stress management and the levels of stress
2. Goals and objectives of the program
3. Vulnerable populations and first responders who need this training
4. How the program will be implemented
5. How the program will enhance community resiliency
Explain the importance of your relationship
: There are a number of key stakeholders in a school system and the school community. List at least three important stakeholders, including parents.
How to motivate and engage collaboration among peers
: ELM510 For this benchmark assignment, develop the Academic Success Plan for a grade level of your choice based on the "Class Profile."
Concept of humans nature of truck
: Would Locke agree or disagree with Adam Smiths concept of humans nature of truck, barter and exchange?
Identify the ethical issue at hand
: Identify the ethical issue at hand. What is at risk for the organization? Which PRSA ethical code(s) are being violated, if any?
Define stress management and the levels of stress
: Currently, the plan does not include an annex for a Stress Management Program. You are creating this PowerPoint presentation to deliver to the team that details
Describe the type of disaster and magnitude of the disaster
: The research proposal includes a title page and introduction that describes the type of disaster (natural or man-made), magnitude of the disaster.
Evaluate how you should communicate with your colleagues
: Analyse each step and discuss the key actions that you need to take, in order to be well-prepared for a successful negotiation.
Identify an applied business problem for basis of your study
: To prepare for this Assignment, identify an applied business problem for the basis of your study. You are free to choose the problem for your project.
What was the rationale for each system
: Introduce, give a historical background of each educational system o Go into details of each educational system individually. Consider, what was the rationale.