Reference no: EM131706398
Sensation and perception is a lifetime developmental process that is closely interrelated to each other. Both the process of perception and sensation possess qualities that are discrete from the other despite the close relationship between the two. The process of sensation is due to stimulation of the sensory receptors, nerve impulses are generated and sent to the brain, the impulses are interpreted to be either pain, odor, visual, sound, taste or touch. The process of perception occurs as a result of information organized by the brain. The neural impulses send information to the brain which is then interpreted and translated thus the information is given meaning. The main difference between the process of sensation and that of perception is entirely based on how information processing occurs. During sensation, the sensory organs register the physical stimulus accompanied by the physical properties. The information is decoded by the organs transforming it into neural signals, which are then transmitted to the brain. After the information is transmitted to the brain, then the process of perception begins. Once the impulses reach the brain, they undergo the process translation, organization and interpretation to give the information meaning. The process of perception enables one to get meaningful insight from the sensations. (Bernstein, 2015). The brain achieves the perceptual process to a certain degree giving us a clear model of our environment and the relationship to it. Psychologists assert that though some events tend to transmit information that is identical, our brains are able to differentiate between these events. For instance, heat or cold that is extreme. The perceptual process is a mechanical process to some extent. This is whereby despite physical modification of some things such as color, they tend to look familiar to each other despite the subjective different lighting environment (Goldsmith, 1978). Konrad Lorenz argues that; he always sees that his desk is of the same color (light Brown), irrespective of what time of the day he looks at it and kind of the lighting at that time. He continues to say that his perception accounts little or no change of the circumstances despite the fact that the lighting is always different at the different times of the day (Lorenz, 1962).
Psychoactive substances can be explained as substances usually chemical in nature that alter the normal functioning of the brain. They bring about changes in behavior, perception and other mental processes. Most of the people abuse these substances for the purpose of deriving pleasure as opposed to medical reasons. They are categorized as either depressant (methaqualone, alcohol), hallucinogenic (LSD, marijuana), stimulants (cocaine, nicotine, caffeine) and Opiates (heroin, morphine). In the United States, some of the Psychoactive substances that are widely used are nicotine and caffeine. In the modern day, society legalization of some of the widely abused Psychoactive substances is something that must be put into consideration. The widespread abuse of Psychoactive substances such as marijuana, alcohol and hardcore drugs like cocaine and heroin has brought more ruin than good to the society. Therefore, these Psychoactive substances should remain illegal and the use not allowed. These Psychoactive substances result into harming the individuals who abuse the substances. The Center for Disease Control estimates that nearly 2.5 million people were admitted to hospital for use of Psychoactive substances in 2011. Another study shows that almost 63% to 83% of those arrested in various states tested positive for Psychoactive substances that are illegal (Fieser, 2017). These statistics show the extent to which substance abuse is escalating in the United States. The Controlled Substance act (1970) classifies and prohibits the type of Psychoactive substances that should be used. More legislation on Psychoactive substances should be enacted to control the abuse further. This will help discourage the vice to the entire population. There should, however, be the legalization of some Psychoactive substances such as marijuana only for medicinal purposes from prescription by physicians. From various psychological studies, it is evident that individual will always see what they expect as opposed to what detecting devices reveal. Therefore, these experiences are subject to vary depending on the perceiver's personality. Experiments carried out by Ittleson and Kilpatrick, conclude that perception and feeling are fused and provide a better understanding of the living process. They continue to say that; perception is not ever an outright revelation of the circumstances presented hence not a sure thing (Goldsmith, 1978).
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I have a friend who's son 2 months ago started taking cannabis oil and has been seizure free since then. This is the first time in the almost 13 years of his life that she can say that. Legalize and save life's.
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