Define societal pressures

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Reference no: EM133611998


1. Identify at least 5 branches of social sciences disciplines and identify 3 common elements they all share?

2. Explain the Sociological Perspective and who is accredited with the term? Provide example of Sociological Perspective and why you believe the example fits the criteria?

3. Briefly define societal pressures, then provide Two examples of societal pressures and how might those pressures effect one's individual choices?

4. Who is accredited with first using the term 'Sociology' also include the year. Continuing on, who is credited with reinventing Sociology and what was the intended purpose for sociology?

5. Explain the benefits of studying sociology and what types of careers are available sociology majors

6. How might a Sociologist view a specific societal issue like poverty. Consider the societal influences that would cause one to become economically disadvantaged.

Reference no: EM133611998

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