Define social media and networking technologies

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13770117

Write a 350- to 700-word summary of the discussion your team had about wireless technologies and networks in work environments in Week 3.

Include the following in addition to the summary:

What contribution did you bring to the discussion?

How did your portion compare to the rest of your teammates?

Scenario: Imagine that you have been hired as a consultant for a university that wants to leverage social media and networking technologies to encourage the collaboration of students, and improve their overall sense of community.

Analyze how the university might integrate at least two social media and networking technologies to accomplish their goals. Your analysis must cover the advantages and disadvantages of social networking. The president of the university also needs to know what the system development life cycle is, and how you intend on bringing social networking tools to life within this cycle.

Reference no: EM13770117

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