Define self-soothing

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133473347


Inner Rage Theory

Some people believe that addictions come from the inability of addicts to self-soothe the inner rage that they experienced as a child. Self-harming behavior, such as addiction, is an example of expressing inner rage.

Respond to the following:

  • What is your position on this theory?
  • What is inner rage, and how can it be expressed? Provide at least 2 examples.
  • Define self-soothing, and provide 2 examples.

In your response, be sure to include the following:

Explain your position, and support it with at least 2 scholarly sources.

Reference no: EM133473347

Questions Cloud

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Define self-soothing : What is inner rage, and how can it be expressed? Provide at least 2 examples. Define self-soothing, and provide 2 examples.
Mass media cumulatively promote particular : Through gatekeeping, mass media cumulatively promote particular understandings about the world and how it operates.
Describe the term the financial reporting entity : Describe the term “The Financial Reporting Entity” and its various types.
Differences between the rest of the custodial interrogation : When must the Miranda rights be given to an individual, including the differences between the rest of the custodial interrogation?
How does stress affect our physical and mental health : How does stress affect our physical and mental health?


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