Define risk response planning

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131523003

Please cite the sources within the paper. Paper must be in detail and 3-4 pages long. Please use creditable sources as well. Paper must flow well! Please take your time on it. Depending on the paper quality and nice tip will be awarded!

Perform Internet research on risk response. Find and review three sources from the search results. These three sources, along with the assignment readings (DoD, Kerzner, PMBOK, and Pritchard), should be used to answer the following questions:

  1. Define risk response planning and describe the key input(s) and output(s).
  2. What tools and techniques are recommended for planning responses to risks?
  3. Define a risk trigger and describe it's importance.
  4. What is the difference between a contingency plan and a fallback plan?
  5. Discuss how the cost, time, urgency, residual, and secondary risks can affect the decision on how to respond to risk.

Please make sure to include the items below in the paper!!

  • Thoughtful responses that compare/contrast/assess different authors' perspectives.
  • Your insights as well as examples from your personal/work experiences that demonstrate your ability to apply what you are learning.
  • Citations documenting the assigned readings that were used to answer the questions. 
  • All references listed correctly at the end of the paper and cited properly in the paper.

Reference no: EM131523003

Questions Cloud

Project scope and work breakdown structure : Select a project, and determine at least two (2) aspects of the project scope that might have the tendency to go out of scope
Discuss the most likely forms of business law would need : Select a small business with which you are familiar and discuss the most likely forms of business law it would need to be concerned about.
The values and culture of the organization : Symbols of culture are called artifacts. Artifacts are the most visible and accessible level of culture.Describe how each item listed above impacts the values.
Write a class called course that represents a course : Write a class called Course that represents a course offered to students. It should contain instance data that represents the course title, course code.
Define risk response planning : Define risk response planning and describe the key input(s) and output(s). What tools and techniques are recommended for planning responses to risks?
List the make and model of desired hardware devices : List the make and model of desired hardware devices and their cost. List software operating systems and applications for each device and their costs
Why must risk tolerances be determined : Why must risk tolerances be determined? List the three types of risk seekers and explain each. Which risk seeker do you think you are and why?
Evaluate effect of attitude on work performance development : Evaluate the effect of attitude, personality, and goal setting on work performance development. How professional etiquette impacts workplace relationships.
Create a driver class called rollingdice-two : Using the Die class defined in this chapter, write a class called PairOfDice, composed of two Die objects. Include methods to set and get the individual die.


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