Define risk and role it may play in mergers and acquisitions

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131700845


The assignment is to create a 12.5 page multiple source essay (not including the introductio) deconstructing peer-reviewed journal articles.

The articles should rely upon explaining deal structure, deal structure process, and the potential risk and risk sharing involved in mergers and acquisitions. And highlight all the topics listed below. Must used the articles listed. TEXTBOOKS ARE NOT ALLOWED AS SOURCES. The objective is to deconstruct the framework of an article and analyze it.

Sections of the paper should include the defining/highlighting the following:



-What is deal structuring?

-What is the deal structure process?

-Explain the initial negotiating positions and the role they play in merger and acquisitions

-Define risk and the role it may play in mergers and acquisitions.

-Explore the potential risks

-Options for managing risk

-Levels of tolerance for risk

-And conditions under which either party will walk away from the negotiations.


You must state the problems listed in the article, list if the problem is able to be resolved, list if the framework fails to resolve the problem, agree or disagree on findings, historical events, or other aspects of the problem. Converge or diverge concerning assumptions, concepts, and other important elements. Offer differing perspectives or worldviews regarding the problem. If there are weaknesses in the article highlight them, clearly articulate the weakness using a few simple statements illustrating how the weakness appears within the framework and how it fails to address or supports the existence of the problem.

The analysis requires the additional components:

• Three APA formatted short quotes used to support the paper.

• Two APA formatted figures representing the initial and revised framework

Need a thesis, an introductory paragraph, paragraph explaining the utility and appropriateness of deconstruction while seeking a solution to the problem.

•Several pages dedicated to explaining the framework's components and their interactions as a constructed system. This portion should also discuss how the framework facilitates a solution to the problem.

•Several pages dedicated to the deconstruction of the framework exposing the weakness. This portion should also discuss how the framework, with its weakness, enables, amplifies, or supports the problem. And a segment dedicated to a single modification of the framework transforming it into a more effective framework for tackling the problem.

Some articles to use:

Mario, F. (2017). Sources of Financing in Mergers and acquisition

Zongshen, L. (2010, January). Causes of Financial Risk in Mergers & Acquisition

The source of financing in mergers and acquisitions by Mario Fischer

Causes and Control of Financial Risk in Mergers & Acquisitions by Zongsheng Liu

Li, Xinfei. (2005). Value Evaluation Risks of Enterprise Merger and Acquisition and Preventive Measures. Journal of Hunan Agriculture University (Social Sciences). No. 3.

zhai, Xuegai. (2003). Financial Risk Analysis in Enterprises Merger. Accounting Research.

Reference no: EM131700845

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