Define reasons for these recommendations

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1333707

You have been asked by Champions, a local charity retail organization, to install a network in its downtown office. It currently just received the donation of four PCs running Windows XP Home Edition. All PCs are configured as follows:

Pentium 4 at 3.0 GHz, 100 GB IDE hard drive, 512MB of memory, floppy drive, CD-ROM, 64MB Video Memory, 1 parallel port, 1 serial port, four USB 2.0 ports.

1.Please explain to Champions the advantages and disadvantages of a peer-to-peer network. What can be shared between hosts?

2.What hardware would you need to network these PCs?

3.Specify your recommended topology, access method, speed and media.

4.Explain reasons for these recommendations.

5.Explain how to share and map folders? Include screenshots.

6.Describe the benefits of introducing a network operating system into their environment.

Reference no: EM1333707

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