Reference no: EM132455328
Question 1. Define project.
Question 2. Define the term project objective, and give some examples.
Question 3. List some examples of resources that are used on a project.
Question 4. What role does a customer have during the project life cycle? Why is it important to satisfy the customer?
Question 5. What aspects of a project might involve some degree of uncertainty? Why?
Question 6. Define scope, schedule, cost, and customer satisfaction. Why are these con-sidered to be constraints?
Question 7. List and describe the main phases of the project life cycle.
Question 8. List and describe the steps required to develop a baseline plan.
Question 9. Why must a manager monitor the progress of a project? What can be done if a project is not proceeding according to plan?
Question 10. Think of a project in which you were involved and identify the stakeholders and what "stake" each had in the project.
Question 11. Describe how a global project can be more complex than a project per-formed within just one country. How might these elements affect the suc-cessful outcome of the global project?
Question 12. List some benefits of using project management techniques.
Question 13. Consider a project in which you are currently involved (or in which you have recently been involved).
a. Describe the objectives, scope, schedule, cost, and any assumptions made.
b. Where are you in the project life cycle?
c. Does this project have a baseline plan? If yes, describe it. If not, create it.
d. Are you or is anyone else monitoring the progress of the project? If so, how? If not, how could you do so?
e. Describe some unexpected circumstances that could jeopardize the suc-cess of the project.