Define principles you hold as most important in your life

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Reference no: EM131032681

The purpose of this assignment is to define the principles you hold as most important in your life. Dr. Stephen R. Covey said: "There are principles that govern human effectiveness-natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real, just as unchanging and unarguably "there" as the law of gravity. Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value. They're fundamental. They're essentially unarguable because they are self-evident. One way to quickly grasp the self-evident nature of principles is to simply consider the absurdity of attempting to live an effective life based on their opposites. I doubt that anyone would seriously consider unfairness, deceit, baseness, uselessness, mediocrity, or degeneration to be a solid foundation for lasting happiness and success."

Examples of principles would include integrity and honesty. They create the foundation of trust which is essential to cooperation and long-term personal and interpersonal growth. Another principle is human dignity. Another principle is service, or the idea of making a contribution. Another is quality or excellence. (From The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) What principles do you want at the center of your life? Explain your answers in detail using personal stories or examples.

Reference no: EM131032681

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