Reference no: EM133491069
Please answer all these social psych questions
1. Define prejudice and identify the three components of prejudice.
2. Explain how stereotypes are sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful.
3. Explain hostile and benevolent sexism and their similarities.
4. Describe the affective component of prejudice and how emotions about groups affect people's behaviors.
5. Distinguish between implicit and explicit prejudice. Identify the relative prevalence of each type of prejudice.
6. Explain research on the "shooter bias" and the implications of this research to real world events.
7. Define implicit prejudice and describe how the Implicit Association Test and bogus pipeline are used to study implicit prejudice.
8. Explain the Word, Zanna, & Cooper (1974) study and what it tells us the self-fulfilling prophecy as it relates to prejudice.
9. Define stereotype threat and describe its effects. Understand research on this phenomenon and how stereotype threat effects can be reduced.
10. Explain how normative conformity contributes to prejudice.
11. Explain institutionalized racism and sexism.
12. Explain social categorization and how it facilitates prejudice.
13. Define ethnocentrism.
14. Explain Henri Tajfel's (1982) theory concerning in-group bias and how it relates to self-esteem and prejudice.
15. Define out-group homogeneity.
16. Explain how the belief in a world leads us to "blame the victim" for his or her misfortune.
17. Describe the Crandall & Eshleman's (2003 Justification-Suppression model of prejudice.
18. Describe realistic conflict theory of prejudice and how it relates to economics.
19. Describe the Sherif et al. (1961) "Robber's Cave" experiment. Explain how it supports the realistic conflict theory of prejudice.
20. Explain why early attempts at school desegregation failed.
21. Identify the six conditions necessary to reduce prejudice when there is contact between groups.
22. Explain the jigsaw classroom and why it can lead to positive outcomes.
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