Reference no: EM131257609
The aim of this assignment is to suggest the role played by management scholars in developing new ideas useful to individuals interested in cross cultural management. Specifically this assignment addresses the ideas and frameworks of Geert Hofstede.
Instructor Comments
Think about a country and its people. Now think about describing the culture or worldview of these people using five dimensions. This exercise explores the culture of a number of countries doing just that. This idea and its framework created through the years of research are controversial. While the ideas are powerful, many would suggest that they oversimplify the concept of culture. How can a culture, built up over hundreds or thousands of years be clarified or understood through such uncomplicated themes? The answer to this question is yours to create.
Concepts such as Hofstede's five cultural dimensions serve an important role and that is to help managers, observers, travelers and others make sense of complex environments. Surprising and annoying to some is that these dimensions are also empirically derived. Statistical analysis of thousands of data points brought these dimensions to the fore. They represent the interaction of science with the abstract world of values beliefs and worldviews.
This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, "How do cultural dimensions differ across countries?" You should base your responses to the following questions on your analysis of the ideas of Geert Hofstede.
In order to complete this assignment, you will need to access the country profiles based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions using the following website:
Please complete the following exercises.
Please define Power Distance in one sentence and summarize the differences (if any) in Power Distance among Russia, Venezuala, Japan and Bhutan.
Please define Individualism in one sentence and summarize the differences (if any) in Individualism among Russia, Venezuala, Japan and Bhutan.
Please define Masculinity/Femininity in one sentence and summarize the differences (if any) in Masculinity/Femininity among Russia, Venezuala, Japan and Bhutan.
Please define Uncertainty Avoidance in one sentence and summarize the differences (if any) in Uncertainty Avoidance among Russia, Venezuala, Japan and Bhutan.
Please define Temporal Orientation in one sentence and summarize the differences (if any) in Temporal Orientation among Russia, Venezuala, Japan and Bhutan.
Hint: The country profiles described in terms of Hofstede's cultural dimensions may be of great value when completing this assignment.
Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.
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