Reference no: EM133764548
A.) Define political parties. Identify the two main types of electoral systems and why they tend to result in two different types of "party systems?" Finally, explain which electoral system you would prefer and why this would result in the best "party system" for a democracy?
B.) Define the "paradox of voting." Identify why researchers assert it is generally "irrational" for individuals to vote and how Riker Ordeshook (1970) resolved this issue. Finally, explain why or why not voting may be "rational" for some people but not for others today?
C.) Identify Mayhew (1974) three main activities members of Congress engage in according to The Electoral Connection. Describe how all three help - or do not help - members of Congress in our current era. Finally, explain how this activities may or may not affect polarization and/or the incumbency advantage?
D.) Identify and define at least four of the seven bases of presidential power, according to class discussions and powerpoints. Describe how presidentsluse each of these tools to help enact their policy agenda. Finally, explain why or why not these tools are successful in presidents' attempts to affect policymaking?
E.) Define the "common agéncy problem." Identify the "principals" that impact bureaucratic implementation; as well as the two main types of bureaucrats. Finally, describe how or how not agencies confront this problem, and why certain agency appointees can aid presidents in ensuring bureaucracies comply with their wishes?
F.) Define "the rule of four" and describe how the U.S. Supreme Court chooses which cases to hear. Identify the difference between "original" and "appellate" jurisdiction. Finally, explain why the Supreme Court case West Virginia v Environmental Protection Agency (2022) is a very important recent decision.