Define philosophical concepts that you use

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Reference no: EM132207889


For this assignment, you are to read a primary source related to the content of the lecture in this module. Upon completion of the reading, you will need to complete a reading response journal. Reading response journals provide opportunities to practice understanding and evaluation of philosophical conceptions of the good life we consider in the course.

After reading the Meditations reflect on the ideas, arguments, conceptions, and perspectives Marcus Aurelius offers. Consider one of them that you find intriguing, compelling, or important to your understanding of the reading. In doing so, ponder the specific reasons for why you find it intriguing, compelling, or important. Possible considerations to contemplate is the strength of an argument in terms of its validity, its truthfulness in terms of evidence that can support it, its coherence with other ideas presented in the reading, its relatability to your own life (especially the specific values and beliefs you hold--not just a story about how one time...), and how it compares with other philosophical perspectives you have encountered elsewhere. Be sure to explain the argument you choose, define philosophical concepts that you use, and provide examples to support your points. Your explanation should include textual support with citations; any citation style can be used so long as the page number of the quote or paraphrase is provided. To earn full credit and have appropriate philosophical depth, your response should be at least 400 words.

Textbook: The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (By Marcus Aurelius Antoninus)

Reference no: EM132207889

Questions Cloud

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Describing your selected work of art or architecture : Write a 525- to 700-word summary describing your selected work of art or architecture. (You are welcome to go over the word count if you wish.)
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Examine the idea from an artistic standpoint : Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote, "We are all Greeks." Examine his idea from an artistic standpoint. Is this true? Is this not true? Use Grecian art and architecture.
Define philosophical concepts that you use : After reading the Meditations reflect on the ideas, arguments, conceptions, and perspectives Marcus Aurelius offers.
Write a one-page summary of the policy : Explain who all the players are - official and unofficial, and interest groups - involved with your policy.
What are the top two reasons for becoming involved : Compare your current knowledge with the knowledge you came into this course with concerning health assessment.
Is the monument representational or nonrepresentational : FNAR120 Imagine that there is a competition to design a public monument in New Orleans. It must commemorate a historical local event.
Why does the male determine the sex of a child : Why does the male determine the sex of a child? List the external and internal structures of the kidney, and discuss the function of these structures


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