Define personal development planning

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Reference no: EM132635506

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

1 What is self-appraisal and how can it contribute to a performance review?

2 What is peer appraisal? List at least one benefit of peer appraisal.

3 Identify four components of a manager's role and responsibilities that is commonly measured by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and discuss how the KPIs may be measured.

4 Identify and outline three personality type tests that are common in Australian workplaces.

5 Discuss three advantages and three disadvantages of personality tests.

6 As a leader, why is it important to be self-aware of your behaviour?

7 Discuss the advantages of conducting behavioural assessments/appraisals.

8 Define personal development planning in two or three paragraphs. What is a personal development plan aligned to?

9 Describe each of the letters in the acronym SMART in relation to goals.

10 Discuss the concept of the Pareto Principle in relation to time management.

11 Discuss three ways to manage time at work.

12 Discuss the negative effect of technology on work-life balance.

13 Describe three strategies that a business can use to ensure their workers maintain work-life balance?

14 List and describe five learning styles.

15 Discuss why our preferred learning style is important and needs to be taken into consideration.

16 Suggest five ways of learning new skills at work. Match at least one learning style that would benefit from each suggestion.

Assessment Task 2: Plan Work Priorities Project

Task Summary
There are two parts to this task:

Part A - Students are to research priority-managing tools/technologies and create a weekly schedule using one of these tools/technologies.

Part B - Students are to research and report on managing stress and workplace health and well-being programs

PART A Research priority management tools
1. You are required to research at least three useful technologies/tools that managers can use to manage their work priorities. Your research should be such that you are able to describe each of the three tools/technologies and how it assists in planning and prioritising work.
2. Using one of the technologies you have researched prepare a schedule for a typical week incorporating all of the tasks listed for the job role provided to you by your assessor. You will also need to factor in at least 30 minutes a day for relaxation to ensure a work-life balance. This can be any activity you choose.
Assume your working hours are from 9am to 5pm with a 30-minute lunch break and that your travel time to work each day is 30 minutes each way. You should also include at least 2 x 2 hours slots during your week to catch up on jobs not completed.
If you are working you may create a schedule based on your own work tasks and working hours.
3. On the Tuesday afternoon one of the systems your team uses breaks and the IT team is working on a solution. This has pushed back your team's weekly schedule by at least half a day. On the Wednesday morning, your General Manager asks you to meet with them as an unexpected issue has been raised; that meeting takes 2 hours out of your day. Make changes to your electronic schedule to fit these unexpected tasks in while maintaining your work-life balance. Provide a justification
4. Submit the notes of your research, your weekly schedule and your adjusted schedule to your assessor via email. Your email should provide your justification for the re-scheduled tasks

PART B Research and report on stress
1. Your workplace has a high rate of incidents related to stress and internal research shows that staff don't know how to maintain a work life balance. The General Manager has asked you to complete some research and report on the signs and impact of stress, strategies that staff can use at home and at work to manage their stress and the benefits of health and wellbeing programs for the organisation. You have also been asked to recommend four health and wellbeing programs that your employer will support during business hours.
2. Prepare a report of approximately two pages that outlines your research and your recommendation for the four health and wellbeing programs. Your recommendations should be based on evidence of effectiveness and success, and include enough detail for the General Manager to make a decision on whether to proceed. Be sure to quote your sources of information.
3. Submit your report to your assessor via email or on a USB.

Assessment Task 3: Personal Development Plan Project

Task summary
There are four parts to this task:
Part A - Students are to identify a company and job role and plan personal work goals. (preferably an automotive company)
Part B - Students are required to assess their skills and knowledge against competency standards to determine development requirements
Part C - Students are to seek feedback from others to identify, evaluate and select suitable development opportunities
Part D - Develop a personal development plan and summarise a policy.

1. Choose a company that you would be interested in working for, as well as a job role within that company. The role you choose should be at a managerial level, such as a Marketing Manager or Human Resources Manager. You will need to be able to access a position description and the company's website. Your assessor can provide you with assistance in identifying this information if you are having difficulty accessing such information.
2. Review the company's website and position description. Consider what your work goals for 12 months would be if you were in that position. One of the work goals should be in relation to your own professional development and all goals must be SMART goals.
3. Prepare a professional, error free brief report of approximately one page covering the following topics:
a) An overview of the company that you have chosen, including the purpose of the business and where it is located and their website address. If you are working you should provide information about your own company.
b) An overview of the company's goals or objectives. If you are working, you should discuss your own company's overall goals and objectives.
c) An overview of the position description for the job role you are interested in. Explain why you are interested in the job role and describe the key responsibilities of the job role.
d) An outline of the five work goals that you have identified for the position, including why these goals are relevant to the job role and the company's strategic goals/plans. Explain why these are suitable goals for a 12 month period.
4. Submit your report to your assessor.

• Imagine you gained employment in the role that you identified in Part A of this assessment. The Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management is the management qualification identified in your position description. Your new manager has asked you to complete a self-assessment of your skills and knowledge against two Units of Competency from the qualification with the intention of developing a personal development plan.

1. Identify two Units of Competency from the Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management to assess your skills and knowledge against.
Your assessor will provide the website reference to find this information and will be able to provide guidance with the selection of units if required.
2. Complete the self-assessment of the two units using the self-assessment template provided by your assessor.
3. Submit the self-assessment to your assessor.  

Part C: Identify development opportunities
1. Complete professional competence research
a) Interview at least three of the following people; friends or colleagues, family members or fellow students who currently work as a manager. Use the interview response form to document their responses.
» Ask them to identify the skills and knowledge that they consider most important for a manager to develop.
» In addition, ask them to discuss one example of a professional development activity they have undertaken and how this was beneficial to them. Ask them whether they would recommend this activity to you as part of your development.
» Discuss your ranking in your self-assessment and ask for suggestions for any additional professional development activities you could complete to develop your competence.
2. Networking Review
a) Identify and describe at least three formal networks that a Manager in your chosen field could participate in.
b) For the three formal networks identify:
» organisation name and contact details including telephone and email
» the services offered by the networking organisation
» the costs involved in joining the networking organisation
» the benefits you believe joining the network brings to you
» any other relevant information
» details of an upcoming event provided by the organisation that you are interested in and why you are interested in the event
3. Research potential professional development activities that you could complete in your local area or capital city that would help you develop your competence in the units that you have self-assessed. Note the details of the activities.
4. Prepare a memo with the outcomes of your research, your network review and a list of at least four potential development activities. Send the memo and the interview responses in an email to your assessor that includes an introduction and a brief summary of the interview responses.

Part D: Develop a professional development plan
1. Personal Development Plan. You are required to develop a professional development plan. Your assessor will provide you with a template for completion. You must complete all sections of the template:
• Your personal and professional goals for the next 12 months and five years.
• Your perceived strengths in your skills and knowledge, as well as areas that you would like to improve or gaps you would like to fill e.g. as identified through your self-assessment, interviews or in response to new industry trends.
• Four professional development activities based on areas for improvements and/or gaps you have identified. The activities may be a combination of long and short term goals and may also include the networks that you have identified.
» One of the activities you identify should be able to be completed prior to the completion of this unit of study through one of your identified networks as you will need to participate and report on this professional development activity for Assessment Task 4. You should choose an activity that you can easily participate in such as attending a free networking event or webinar or watching a video or participating in a discussion on a professional blog or in LinkedIn.
» At least one of the professional development activities you identify should be in response to the feedback provided in part B of this assessment.
» For each activity provide the reason(s) why you have identified this as a priority and by when you would like to address the priority. Include an explanation about how each suits your learning style.
2. Read the Professional Development Policy and provide a brief overview of how one of your planned activities fits with the policy, for example, who will cover the cost, who will approve the activity, how much financial support will be provided and what are your next steps.
3. Submit the Personal Development Plan and your policy brief to your assessor in an email with an introduction on how you can serve as a role model in a workplace through work planning.

Assessment Task 4: Professional development report

Complete the self-assessment table for the two units of competency. List the elements and performance criteria of the unit only. Review the assessment scale and indicate below your self-assessment for each
1 I have no skills and knowledge in this area
2 I have some skills and knowledge in this area
3 I have sound skills and knowledge in this area but further development and experience would be valuable
4 I am fully competent in this area
5 I have strengths in this area and I can provide coaching and mentoring to others to develop their skills and knowledge


Company ABC is committed to providing a supportive and rewarding environment for employees and recognises that the quality, responsiveness and professionalism of its workforce are inextricably linked to the company's achievement of its strategic goals.
The purpose of the Professional Development Policy is to encourage and support employees to actively pursue their personal and professional. Company ABC acknowledges that continuing professional development contributes to personal job satisfaction, workplace productivity, reward and recognition.

1. Trucks N Cars Learning and Development branch has the primary responsibility for the provision of professional development programs and activities. The Learning and Development Branch provides advice and support for professional development.
2. Staff requesting professional development must complete the Staff Application Form and have it approved by the relevant manager, outlined in this policy and the application form.
3. Send the completed and approved application to the Learning and Development Branch for final approval and budget allocation.
4. Learning and Development will provide a Staff Study Agreement for you to sign, where relevant, at which point you may register or enrol for your professional development opportunity.
5. Learning and Development will not approve any study or professional development activities that staff have already have commenced without prior permission.
6. Learning and Development will only consider applications within the time frame advertised on the Intranet.
7. Learning and Development are not responsible for enrolling staff into their activities, paying directly for activities, booking travel and accommodation and will not reimburse staff for any associated costs such as meals, travel, accommodation, equipment and resources, stationery, etc.
8. Study leave and exam leave is to be approved by the staff member's Branch Manager. Please read the award for allocations. Staff enrolled in Higher Education programs are eligible to apply for study Leave and exam leave.
9. Staff are responsible for providing evidence of completion to the Learning and Development Branch in the way of a Statement of Attainment, Completion Certificate, etc.

Attachment:- Manage personal work priorities.rar

Reference no: EM132635506

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