Reference no: EM133793488
1. List the standard information that should be found in all patients' medical records.
2. What is the AVMA's position on Ethics and Medical Records?
3. What does "VCPR" stand for?
4. What is meant by "Informed Consent"? Why is this important?
5. List consent forms that are commonly used in clinical practice.
6. Know the "Rules of Thumb" with regards to documentation in medical records.
7. Know the basic guidelines for generating accurate medical records.
8. Who owns the medical records?
9. Define patient signalment.
10. What is the current information that should be obtained for a patient history?
11. What information should be obtained for previous history?
12. Describe the "SOAP" format for medical records. (Know the general information that should be included in each section.)
13. What information should be included in Discharge Instructions?