Reference no: EM133267561
Assignment - Variable Definitions Worksheet
Part A - Define each of the terms. Write a definition in your own words.
1. Conceptual definition
2. Self-report measure
3. Observational measure
4. Physiological measure
5. Categorical variable
6. Quantitative variable
7. Ordinal scale
8. Interval scale
9. Ratio scale
10. Reliability
11. Validity
12. Test-retest reliability
13. Interrater reliability
14. Internal reliability
15. Correlation coefficient
16. Slope direction
17. Strength
18. Average interitem correlation
19. Cronbach's alpha
20. Face validity
21. Content validity
22. Criterion validity
23. Known groups paradigm
24. Convergent validity
25. Discriminant validity
Part B - Review Questions
1. What is a variable? List at least five different variables and then describe at least two levels of each variable. For example, age is a variable. For adults, age has values that can be expressed in years starting at 18 and ranging upward. In an actual study, the age variable might be measured by asking for actual age in years, the year of birth, or providing a choice of age ranges such as 18-34, 35-54, and 55+. Sentence length is a variable. The values might be defined by the number of words in sentences that participants write in an essay.
2. Define "operational definition" of a variable. Give at least two operational definitions of the variables you thought of in the previous review question.
3. Distinguish among positive linear, negative linear, and curvilinear relationships.
4. What is the difference between the nonexperimental method and the experimental method?