Define one data cube only using sql server data tools

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13326646

The board of XYZ expects the data warehousing system to provide some functions to analyse their customers in order to improve their management and services. In this assignment, you are required to design data cubes for the following two issues:

(1) Knowing the customers for targeted advertising. The board would like to know which type of customers (age or gender) are more interested in which types of cars (type)

(2) Car recommendations to customers. The board hopes to provide a new service to customers to help them choosing a car (type) based on customers geography (city) information and time (Month).

For each issue, you are required to define one data cube only using SQL Server Data Tools for Business Intelligence. You also need to name the data cubes using your surname followed by the real data cube name (e.g., "SITBON cube1"), deploy it and then print out the result in
your report. The discussion of the two results is also necessary.


Reference no: EM13326646

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