Define neuroeconomics approach

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131477858

Question: 1. As compared to descriptive studies in behavioral finance, how does neuroeconomics approach non-optimal financial decision making and behavior?

2. Biologically speaking, what are some brain structures and chemicals that influence financial decision making?

Reference no: EM131477858

Questions Cloud

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Determine which retirement option you would choose : Determine which retirement option you would choose if you were this employee. Assess factors that this employee should consider when selecting retirement plan.
Define neuroeconomics approach : As compared to descriptive studies in behavioral finance, how does neuroeconomics approach non-optimal financial decision making and behavior?
Determine the acceleration due to gravity : A 0.600 m long pendulum is used to determine the acceleration due to gravity on a distant planet. If 20 complete oscillations are completed.
What are possible contaminates where you live : In your response to another student, compare the water challenges in your area with the ones discussed by another student in his/her post.
Conducting strip of thickness : In a Hall experiment a conducting strip of thickness d= 100 um is placed in a magnetic field B = 0.05 T.
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