Define negotiation and discuss the process of negotiation

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Reference no: EM132367484



You are the Team Manager at your company and you are responsible for planning, directing and overseeing the operations of your department.

You lead a dynamic team, who appreciate your ability to coach and mentor and your ability to empower them to take responsibility for their jobs and goals. You delegate responsibility, expect accountability and regular feedback. You also are good at providing solutions to problems that others have not been able to solve.

You have been promoted to Manager and your new role has the following responsibilities:

• You will have to use your thorough understanding of effective negotiation skills to present matters persuasively

• You will be required to use your initiative and judgement to communicate clearly and understand the information needs of others and adapting to their needs, using effective listening techniques

• You will be responsible to prepare and lead meetings effectively ensuring that all outcome requirements for the meeting are met and that structured and inclusive meetings procedures are followed

• You will be required to design, prepare for and make presentations to your team with reliable and suitable information that meets the needs of your audience

• Your proven experience as a business manager will require you to negotiate effectively and present persuasively by preparing realistic positions and supporting arguments for the best effect.  You will need to obtain mutually beneficial solutions by establishing areas of common ground and reach compromise where required.

• You will be responsible to explain organisational protocols and the importance of confidentiality , for the release of company information either internally or externally

• You will be required to ensure that communication demonstrates the principle of cross-cultural communication and identify relevant communication channels for the organisation

As the company is growing at a rapid rate, there have been many changes that the team members had to endure. Your ability as an effective manager has seen your team adapt well and cope with these changes.

The senior manager has approached you and asked for advice on how best to transition other team members to better cope with their changing environment. The transition requires team members to accept new roles and responsibilities and you have been requested to help guide other teams through this process.

These roles include that they obtain a better understanding of clear effective communication, learn the art of negotiation, leading meetings effectively and learning to make business presentations that are professional, educational and have an impact with their audience.

You may be required to do further research to answer the questions. Research answers online or using the Leadership and Management books available at Meridian Vocational College. This assessment is in digital format.

PART 1: Introduction into the company

You are required to gather information the about an organisation/business you are familiar with: Use the template provided below.

a. Name of the company

b. Industry in which the company operates

c. Address and contact details of the company

d. Brief overview of the company and your responsibilities

e. A company chart showing key departments and positions    

PART 2: Theoretical Concepts

You are required to provide evidence to your senior Manager about your proficiency in the theoretical concepts pertaining to leading the team towards their new roles and responsibilities, by answering the following questions:

1. Discuss “appropriate use of language” for the audience. Your answer must be 200 words in length.

2. What key points must be considered when presenting in a foreign country?  How would you ensure that you meet the needs of the audience? Your answer must be 100 words in length.

3. What are the steps involved to “actively” listen to get feedback and input from your colleagues to ensure understanding and an exchange of views? Your answer must be 200 words in length.

4. What pattern of behaviour should be adhered to, when respecting the values, concerns and views of others to keep the lines of communication open? Your answer must be 150 words in length.

5. Define negotiation and discuss the process of negotiation. Why is it important to prepare a realistic position and have supporting arguments in advance to anticipate the reactions from team members? Your answer must be 200 words in length.

Define negotiation.   

Discuss the process of negotiation.   

Why is it important to prepare a realistic position and have supporting arguments in advance to anticipate the reactions from team members?   

6. Why is preparation key during the negotiation process? List the 4 steps for preparation and discuss briefly. Why is it important to negotiate persuasively? Your answer must be 200 words in length.

Why is preparation key during the negotiation process?

List the 4 steps for preparation and discuss briefly.

Why is it important to negotiate persuasively?   

7. What industry, media and government organisations, events and communication channels are relevant to the organisation you have selected in PART 1? Your answer must be 100 words in length.

8. What are the principles of mediation? Research your answer and list them below.

PART 3: Organisational Context

1. How would you identify key individuals and target groups that have value and could benefit your organisations business interests?

2. Define ‘differences in opinion’ and how this can be used to examine all possible options. You answer must be 100 words in length.

3. List the 9 Principles of conflict resolution and provide a brief explanation.

4. Define BATNA and provide a brief explanation of when it will be used. Your answer must be 100 words in length.

5. Read the Communications Policy for the Orange Cellular (Appendix1) included at the end of your assessment. Identify who you need to get permission from, to present business material to stakeholders.

Why is it important to ensure that you get permission to communicate information/business views or positions about your company?

What information is considered confidential according to the Orange Cellular

Communications Policy and how do you manage this information?

Where would you obtain permission from to present business materials?

Why is it important to get permission?   

What information is considered confidential according to the Orange Cellular Communications Policy and how do you manage this information?   

What information is confidential?   

How do you mange this information?   

6. Why should ORANGE CELLUAR have policies and procedures regarding the confidentiality and release of information and why is it important to follow these policies and procedures? Explain 3 policies/procedures for the release and communication of information externally and internally? (Refer to Appendix 1: Orange Cellular Communication policy)

Why should a company have protocols regarding the confidentiality and release of information?

Why is it important to follow these policies and procedures?

Explain 3 policies and/procedures for the release and communication of information externally/internally.   

7. What are the requirements (in the business you are familiar with in Part 1) to maintain confidentiality of information in the workplace?

8. List the principles that can be used to de-escalate an incident. Your answer must be 100 words in length.

9. Assertive communication is the best communication style to present business positions to the best effect. Discuss why this is the best style to use. Your answer must be 100 words in length.

10. What factors must be considered for cross-cultural communication? Your answer must be 200 words in length.

11. How can credibility and trust be maintained after the negotiation? Your answer must be 100 words in length.

12. Why is it important to get immediate feedback from your stakeholders to ensure that they have understood what you have communicated to them? Your answer must be 100 words in length.

PART 4: Organisational Context

1. There have been issues regarding the customer service provided by the team at ORANGE CELLULAR and you are to hold a meeting with the sales team in your organisation so that a senior manager can present a slide-show presentation on “the company values and how to maintain positive customer service standards”. Determine an appropriate meeting structure and why you decided to use this structure. Why do you think there is a need for this meeting? Your response must be 100 words in length

Meeting structure

(Break-down of how the meeting will progress)

Why did you decide to use this structure?   

Why is there a need for this meeting?   

2. Who are the key stakeholders relevant to your meeting regarding Q1?

3. Map the stakeholders that are relevant to your meeting regarding Q1. . Refer to Appendix 2: Orange Cellular Policies and Procedures (at the end of your assessment) to map relevant stakeholders.

4. When would you despatch the meeting agenda? Why? When? Why?   

5. In your own words, explain what the responsibilities of a chairperson are. Your response must be 100 words in length.

6. Describe 5 ways how a chairperson can ensure that the meeting is efficient and focused?

7. Consider the type of information that you would need to communicate to a minute-taker prior to the meeting taking place. What information should the minute- taker include in their minutes summary of the meeting? Your response must be 100 words in length.

8. CEO has asked you to develop clearer organisational requirements and arrangements regarding meetings. This way, all employees will be aware of the company’s protocol when planning, organising and delivering a company meeting. Your task is to complete the table below by proposing five organisational requirements for chairing meetings and five meeting arrangements that need to be considered.

Organisational requirements for chairing meetings

Meeting arrangements to be considered

9. Research “structured and inclusive meeting procedures”. In your own words describe is meant by structured and inclusive procedures. Why would you use an inclusive meeting structure? Your response must be 100 words in length.

In your own words describe is meant by structured and inclusive procedures.   

Why would you use an inclusive meeting structure?   

PART 5: Practical Assessment & Role play

As a manager, you are responsible for hiring new staff, new tenders, sales reports and developing strategic opportunities for the next 6 months.

5.1 Why do you think there is a need to schedule a meeting to discuss these items?

You are to plan, organise and deliver a meeting with senior management to discuss this with them. The meeting will be held in boardroom 1.

The details of the meeting are below:


1 March 20XX



Meeting purpose

To discuss new tenders to shortlist, sales reports, hiring of new team leaders and strategic opportunities for the next 6 months

Additional information

Three managers are flying in from overseas

Catered lunch will be provided to all participants

Company boardroom is booked this day - you must organise an alternate venue

All meeting participants must be notified by a formal letter

5.2 Create the meeting agenda and notice

• Use the meeting agenda template to create the meeting agenda. Ensure all fields are addressed in full.

• Use the meeting notice template to create the meeting notice.

Once you have completed both templates, you must email the meeting agenda and meeting notice to all participants. You must submit the sent email as evidence that this has been carried out to your Trainer.

5.3 Roles of participants

You are the chairperson, three of your participants must assume the role of senior managers and the fourth participant will need to assume the role as the minute-taker.

You must brief the minute-taker on how to record the meeting notes, what type of information to document and compliance with organisational requirements. Provide your response below.

How to record the meeting notes

What type of information to document

Organisation requirements for meetings   

5.4 Chair the meeting

You are to chair the meeting in Boardroom 1.

You are the chairperson, three of your participants must assume the role of senior managers and the fourth participant will need to assume the role as the minute-taker.

Discussion points:

• New tenders to shortlist

• Sales reports

• Hiring of new team leaders

• Strategic opportunities for the next 6 months.

Your delivery session will be assessed according to the Observation Checklist. (Observation checklist 1)

5.5 Check the transcribed meeting notes for accuracy

Detail any discrepancies or inaccurate reflections of the meeting below.

5.6 Formalise the meeting minutes and distribute

Use the meeting minutes template to formally document the minutes of the meeting.

Ensure all fields are addressed in full.

Once completed, you must email these documents to all participants.

You must submit the meeting minutes and sent email through as evidence with your assessment submission.

5.7 Describe whether the meeting achieved agreed outcomes in the time available.

Was there a need to seek consensus and was a compromise reached for any discussion points?

Describe whether the meeting achieved agreed outcomes in the time available.

Was there a need to seek consensus and was compromise reached for any discussion points?   

5.8 Where will you store the meeting minutes in an organisation?

PART 6:  Practical – Make a presentation & role-play

Assessment Instructions
You have just been advised that some team members are reluctant to make presentations for the company (Orange Cellular) and you feel they need training in this area. As a manager, will need to develop a powerpoint presentation and deliver a training session to your staff.

The topic for the presentation is:

“Prepare and make presentations to a group of people at meetings, forums and conferences”.

Review the Orange Cellular Communication policy (at the end of your assessment) to ensure you meet all of Orange Cellular’s organisational policies and procedures and ensure your determine which information is subject to confidentiality.

Select an appropriate forum to present your topic for the best effect and ensure that your information is reliable and appropriate for your audience. Ensure you adapt the language, explanations, use of media and the correct balance of information versus entertainment to meet the audiences’ needs.

Include the following in your presentation:

• Identify suitable forums for presentations

• The importance of presenting reliable information

• How do you identify the information needs of your audience

• Tips on being a good presenter

• How can you design/adapt your presentation to meet the audience needs

• How to answer questions during and after a presentation clearly and concisely

You will be required to respond to questions from your audience, after your presentation.

The time duration for the presentation must be approximately 20 minutes in length.

Your delivery session will be assessed according to the Observation Checklist. (Observation 2)

1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation and answer the following questions:

1.1 Which forum would you select to present the business position in line with Orange Cellular policies and procedures?

1.2 How would you obtain reliable information and advice to prepare for your presentation?

1.3 What information needs does your audience have and how do you prepare of that purpose?

1.4 How would you adapt language/explanations/media and information/entertainment to meet the needs of the audience?

1.5 Was there any information in the Orange Cellular’s Communication Policy that was subject to confidentiality?

1.6 Why is it important to answer questions openly and honestly when asked by your audience?

2. Deliver the presentation.

You are required to provide training session to your team based on the powerpoint presentation you developed above:

“Prepare and make presentations to a group of people at meetings, forums and conferences”.

Keep all the principles of making a presentation in mind while preparing for the delivery of your presentation. Your presentation will be assessed according to Observation Checklist 2.

Answer the following questions regarding your presentation:

2.1 What feedback did you obtain from the audience? Note their response below.

2.2 What are the implications of legal and ethical responsibilities of confidentiality, if it has not been maintained in the workplace?

3. Negotiation role-play

3.1 You are required to role play the following scenario.

When you approach your manager to ask for one months’ annual leave, she responds by saying: “How can you ask for annual leave at a time like this?! You’re just demonstrating that you have no regard for the needs of this organisation.”

You: You really need the leave as you have family visiting from overseas. Besides this, you are exhausted and really need some time off as it has been a long time since you have taken leave. Negotiate to take leave with your Manager.

Manager: You really can’t have a staff members going on leave. You are aware that they have worked hard but deadlines are piling up and you cannot see how all the work will be completed.

You are to prepare for this role-play using a variety of communication skills to present your position. Prepare realistic reasons and supporting arguments in anticipation of your managers concerns.

Remember to respect you manager’s values and concerns and keep the lines of communication open.

Keep the negotiation focused on key issues and move the discussion forward to a final resolution while maintaining areas of common ground to reach a compromise.

Use actively listening to obtain a balanced exchange of views. Obtain feedback from all parties and ensure that all views have been expressed and understood.

Remember to acknowledge differences in opinion.

Your delivery session will be assessed according to the Observation Checklist. (Observation 3)

Answer the following questions regarding the role-play:

3.2 What realistic positions and supporting arguments would you provide to your manager to obtain leave?

3.3 What mutually beneficial solution could be grounds of common interest for you and your manager?

3.4 How can credibility and trust be maintained between you and your manager regarding your agreement?

3.5 How can you respect the concerns and views of your manager and still keep the lines of communication open?

3.6 What communication style would you use to present your position to your manager?

3.7 How can you keep the discussion with your manager focused on your concerns and still keep the discussion focused to achieving your goal?

Reference no: EM132367484

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