Define modes of transmission of data over wireless networks

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132233372

Question: Before connecting to a wireless network there are a number of concerns that must be addressed. They are as follows:

• Denial of Service is one of the simplest network attacks to perpetrate as it requires limiting access to services (Wilkins, 2011). This can be done by sending a large amount of traffic to the target but in case of wireless networks, something as simple as a microwave or a competing access point on the same channel can cause an interruption.

• Passive Capturing is performed by getting in range of a target wireless LAN and then eavesdropping and capturing data. This can be used to break the existing security settings and analyzing non-encrypted data.

• Configuration Problems can be simple enough for attackers to penetrate into. If the security configuration is weak, it opens doors for attackers to gain access to the device and for external use.

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is one of the modes of transmission of data over wireless networks. It is one of the specifications for a set of communication protocols that standardize the way wireless devices can be used to access the internet and for instant messaging (Rouse, 2010). There are various layers of WAP:

• Wireless Application Environment

• Wireless Session Layer

• Wireless Transport Layer Security

• Wireless Transport Layer

Also, there are certain pros and cons associated with the protocol which are as follows:


• Sending and receiving data in real-time.

• No apprehension of hardware obsolescence.

• Most modern mobile devices support WAP.

• Its implementation aligns with the internet model.


• It has low speed, security concerns, and a very small user interface.

• Most of the people are unfamiliar to WAP.

• It has an expensive business model.

• The forms associated with WAP are hard to design.

Reference no: EM132233372

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