Reference no: EM133231021
1. Name the four families of macromolecules and state their functions.
2. Provide examples of cellular components made from each of the families of macromolecules
3. Identify the basic building block (the "monomer") of carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids
4. Define microbiology
5. List the types of microbes and state which one does not colonize humans
6. State the percent of microbes that cause infectious disease
7. List and describe the roles of microbes on Earth
8. Explain ways that we manipulate microbes for our use
9. Explain (in general terms) how and which infectious diseases have affected human demographics
10. Order typical viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotes from smallest to largest
11. Classify each type of microbe as none, prokaryote, or eukaryote
12. Differentiate between spontaneous generation (abiogenesis) and biogenesis
13. State what each of the following scientists contributed to microbiology
- Robert Hooke
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
- Francesco Redi
- Louis Jablot
- Louis Pasteur
- Robert Koch
- John Tyndall & Ferdinand Cohen
- Lady Mary Montague
- Edward Jenner
- Ignaz Semmelweis & Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Joseph Lister
14. Given an experiment, state the hypothesis, control & experimental variables, results, and conclusion
15. Explain Redi and Jablot's experiments to disprove spontaneous generation.
16. Explain the Germ Theory of Disease and how it's different from what was previously thought
17. Explain the steps of Koch's postulates
18. Define sterility