Define inventory program assignment from java class

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13315723

This is part 6 of the inventory program assignment from Java class IT 215 from UOP and all the codes are written well and includes everything all the functionality from the previous parts and there's absolutely no errors/any red marks according to Netbeans IDE but the program is not compiling for some reason.


Reference no: EM13315723

Questions Cloud

What escape speed is needed for a space ship : The planet mars hass a mass of 6.42x10^23kg and a radius of 3396km. What escape speed is needed for a space ship leaving the surface of Mars
What is the average change in momentum : In 13.6 s, 220 bullets strike and embed themselves in a wall. What is the average change in momentum per second for the bullets
Determine the spring constant k required for equilibrium : The 81-lb uniform square plate is supported by a ball-and-socket joint at O, a cable at E, a fixture at A which can support vertical force only, and a linear spring at C. If the unstretched length of the spring is 4 in.
Find the change in the internal energy of the weight lifter : In exercising, a weight lifter loses 0.124 kg of water through evaporation, find the change in the internal energy of the weight lifter
Define inventory program assignment from java class : This is part 6 of the inventory program assignment from Java class IT 215 from UOP and all the codes are written well and includes everything all the functionality from the previous parts and there's absolutely no errors.
Find minimum dimension of other side to keep deformation : The modules of elasticity of the wood is 12 GPa. If one side of the column is 25 cm across, find the minimum dimension of the other side to keep the column's deformation under 1.3 mm.
What is the required volume of the balloon : A plastic bag is filled with nitrogen at atmospheric pressure and 27.0 oC. If hot air is used instead of nitrogen, what is the required volume of the balloon if the air inside can be maintained at 39.0 oC
Determine the maximum allowable axial tensile force : A 4-cm- diameter rod of aluminum 7075-T6 is to subjected to an axial tensile force such that the factor of safety based on the yield stress on 1.75. Find the maximum allowable tensile force.
Find the disk radius : The potential on the axis of a uniformly charged disk at 5.5cm from the disk center is 140V ; the potential 12cm from the disk center is 110V. Find the disk radius in cm


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