Define - implement and test a complex class

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Reference no: EM131889418

Assignment - Classes, Reference Variables and the String Class

1. Given an arbitrary ransom note, consisting of 15 - 20 words and several magazines, write a function that will return a true, if the ransom note can be constructed from the words in the magazines, otherwise it will return a false. Each word in the magazines can only be used once in your ransom note. The algorithm should work efficiently, such as, utilizing hash tables for storing and looking up strings. An example hash function maybe the sum of the ascii values of all the characters in the string, modulus an appropriate positive integer. For testing the code, utilize the ransom note and the magazines provided on the Black- board in files RansomNote.dat, Magazine1.dat, Magazine2.dat, Magazine3.dat, Magazine4.dat, Magazine5.datand Magazine6.dat.

In this problem, you will utilize the built in string class, its constructors, some of its methods and operators. For more on the string class, please refer to Prata, Chapter 16

2. Define, implement and test a Complex class, which has:
(a) At least two constructors.
(b) A destructor.
(c) Several Methods with functionality as described below:
- Returns real part.
- Returns imaginary part.
- Displays the number.
- Computes magnitude.
- Computes polar co-ordinates.
- Overloads operators +, -. * and /, with the corresponding operations.
- Overloads the operator ∼ for complex conjugate.
- Overloads the operators == and != for comparison.

The methods must make appropriate use of the reference variables, for arguments and re- turn types, as described in Prata, Chapter 10. For more details on operator overloading, refer to Prata, Chapter 11.

Discussion Board

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Exercise Set

String class and Standard Template Libraries (STLs)
- Read in the six magazines from the files, one word at a time.
- Keep only the words, removing any punctuation or other characters.
- Store the words in a built-in STL container, such as array, vector or map.
- You are essentially building a repository of words.
- Design an algorithm for storing the words, such that you can easily find a word, without an exhaustive search through the repository.

Attachment:- Files.rar

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The first task was to read strings from a file called RansomNote.dat and 5 other files Magazine1.dat, Magazine2.dat, Magazine3.dat, Magazine4.dat, Magazine5.dat, Magazine6.dat and check if ransomNote.dat can be created from words present in the other files. The second task was to create a class called Complex and create 2 constructors, 1 destructor and overload operators +, - , *, / , ~, == and != .

Reference no: EM131889418

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3/6/2018 5:23:49 AM

3 Grading In addition to code functionality, there will be points for coding style, algorithm design and comments. A few useful comments would be sufficient. 4 Assignment Submission The Assignments must be submitted on the Blackboard, and should include the following: 1. The C++ source code, with one file per problem. 2. Screen shots which show each program executing. All the screen shots maybe in a single .pdf or .jpg file.

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