Define how to approach staff members

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Reference no: EM132198261

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Managers have different approaches to influencing others. I believe a great manager has to know the situation well enough to know how to approach staff members. I want to speak into detail on a few tactics that I have used in the pass. One tactic that I have used before is call "upward appeal". In this strategy, you influence others, by stating that it's not you, but higher-level management that wants the task completed. When I worked as a residential assistance (RA). A year before my last day, I was promoted to the Head RA. By this time, I was I had built personal relationships with everyone I was over. In the beginning of my term, when things needed to get done, like bulletin board changes, I would tell them that the residential director (RD) wanted the task completed by a certain date. In all fairness, it was me that created the deadline. I would give them an earlier date so that the true due date was met. This was affective because I was able to have them view me as a higher up rather than a coworker on the same level. They began to see I was head RA and as the year progressed, I asserted myself as their manager. Another strategy that I have used is rational persuasion. Rational persuasion is when logic is used to get others to cooperate with you. I've used this tactic when persuading a previous supervisor to change an accounting process. I brought nothing, but rational reasoning when it came to this process. The process(escheatment) was done quarterly and I brought up why this should be changed to both quarterly and monthly. Given I was the only tax accountant at the company, the process took a week and a half to complete because of the high volume, and my boss agreed. I was able to use logic to persuade her to change the process. This worked because as the only tax accountant for a fortune company, being pressed for deadlines, and having a mass load, my boss saw where I was saving a lot of time by doing this and I was able move a schedule around to meet deadlines. Once you're in a certain position, you will eventually know how to approach situations so that you can influence others to align with your ideas.

Reference no: EM132198261

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