Define how motivation occurs in organizational behavior

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Reference no: EM133191257 , Length: Word Count: 1000 Words

Assignment - Health Care Organization Leader Paper

Interview an organizational leader or department manager who oversees staff in health care setting. The interview should be at least 30 minutes in length. To prepare for this interview, develop 10 questions that focus on organizational behavior that you will ask the leader.

Ask questions that help understand and define the person's leadership and motivational approaches, and how these affect organizational behavior and culture. Consider academic and professional background, contributions to the community, problem-solving processes, mentoring activities, employee relations, position and role in the organization's structure, etc.

Paper - Write 1,000-1,250-word paper. Refer to the questions and responses from your interview. Analyze your findings using the information on leadership styles and theories, and the positive and negative outcomes associated with various leadership approaches, presented in this course. Summarize the conclusions of your analysis in regard to the following:

1. Describe the leadership style, or styles (transformational, transactional, visionary, servant, etc.) communicated by the leader. Provide examples to support your explanation.

2. Define how motivation occurs in organizational behavior. Describe what motivational strategies used by the leader. What are the similarities and differences between your leadership style and other leadership styles?

3. Describe the successes and challenges that occurred as a result of the leader's overall approach and how they related to the organization's content and process theories of motivation, and how power can influence the senior leadership level.

4. Based upon the organizational mission and values, determine the most effective strategies the leader could implement in the future in order to improve, or continuing to improve, organizational and individual performance.

Reference no: EM133191257

Questions Cloud

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Describe what you learned in the textbook regarding topics : Begin with your name, date, and class number at the top. In each paragraph, describe what you learned in the textbook regarding one of these topics below.
Define how motivation occurs in organizational behavior : Define how motivation occurs in organizational behavior. Describe what motivational strategies used by the leader
What is project and what are its main attributes : What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs?
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Describe specific ways in which you plan to employ theory : Describe specific ways in which you plan to employ the theory in practice. I intern at a homehealth agency thAT assist individuals with light housekeeping


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